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Can anyone help me find an obscure gambling book?

My grandfather had a collection of gambling books. When I was younger and not of age to legally gamble, I sometimes read a few of his books.
One book was about prop bets, cons, scams, etc. The book had a fictional narrator named Turk, and a friend that I can’t remember his name. The two of them would use casual dialogue to discuss various scams, ways of making a quick buck, and how to get away with your bets (or cons).
Things like trivia about Reno, Nevada being further west on a map then Los Angeles, how many outs are in a complete inning (6, because their is a top and bottom half of an inning, each team gets 3 outs).
Or sneaky cons like when wagering on a round of golf, to apply Vaseline to your clubs before playing, since Vaseline makes the ball go straighter when hit.
There were obscure prop bets like betting on what sugar cube a fly would land on. Spraying ammonia on a cube would increase the chances of a fly landing on it because they are attracted to the smell.
Or winning a bet on how two people (you and your friend/gambling buddy) can stand on a postcard without physically touching each other. Place the postcard underneath a door, with the edges sticking out on each side, then each person on opposite sides of the door stands on one edge and holds the doorknob to keep their balance.
I know this is really unusual, and this book may be like 50 or more years old, but has anyone else heard of it?
submitted by NicholeDaylinn1993 to gambling [link] [comments]

Homeless In The Time of Pandemic

Homeless In The Time of Pandemic
I'm a 60 yr. old white male, a writer, with 58 years of experience in all aspects of indoor-living.
Ask me anything about working hard, paying bills, household management and adult responsibility and I'll happily answer in detail, just like any other adult my age.
Just like nearly every single homeless person in our country.
We--the unhoused--all came from the indoor world, spent the vast majority of our lives in that world, and we plan to return to it as soon as we can find a safe, affordable place to live. Unfortunately, 'safe' and 'affordable' rarely go together.
After becoming legally disabled by way of Bipolar I and ADHD a decade or so ago, I secured a kind of subsidized housing. I hung on in that condition, in section 8 type housing, for nearly a decade, studying and writing but not producing sale-able work, until I finally had absorbed too much malaise and hopelessness.
My neighbor ran off my beloved little cat, and I called 911 when my plan to pay him back became far too detailed. As I hung up the phone, I looked to the sky and thanked God for the upcoming fresh start. I knew it couldn’t be worse than it had been, and I was confident it would be better.
I went, strapped to a gurney in the back of an ambulance, to a mental health facility and received the treatment everyone should always get in places like that-- though often they do not--and I healed.
I also found a newer med while under treatment there that had somehow slipped through the cracks and eluded me. It ended my bipolar depression immediately, a miracle, at age 58, by any measure.
No longer thinking of suicide each and every day had a marvelous, immediate, and entirely predictable effect on me, and I accepted an offer from a friend to travel with him out of state and begin new work. After checking everything out, I packed all my belongings into his rental and off we went.
I didn't register that by giving up my home without having money for backup, I was making myself vulnerable to whimsy or catastrophe. Or both.
I voluntarily gave up one of the very few essential elements of life--shelter--because I took it for granted. I didn't ask myself what would happen if something went wrong with the plan, because I was too eager to get started on it.
He'd mentioned that he wanted my help "to get away from his wife" but I didn't give it the proper weight at the time. I put aside the question of exactly what might concern a three-tour Special Forces soldier enough to ask a buddy for some help, and didn’t ask.
We immediately encountered some...difficulties...upon departure, were pursued, and had a lengthy, intense, and otherworldly altercation in a motel just short of the Nevada border, where I was finally able to… (redacted).
Much later, I looked at my phone and realized I’d dialed 911 eleven times, each call had been answered, each time they’d confirmed a squad car rolling to our location, and no one had ever showed up.
Unfortunately, after witnessing the entire (redacted) scene, my friend was not able to drive very far. He'd seen and heard what had happened and was unraveled by it. He pulled far off the highway, just outside of Vegas, unable to communicate, eyes vacant, and we waited for the police.
I remembered he'd said "help me get away from my wife", but maybe I’d just thought... ‘well, sometimes girls can be lively and unpredictable’ or something...I think that's what I thought. Anyway, they sure can. Confirmed!
That moment, when they drove him away strapped to a gurney while the cop told me I could ride my no-drivers-license-having ass into town with the wrecker when it came out to pick up the rental, marked my initial realization that everything had just dramatically changed, and nothing would ever be at all like it had been.
And that's how quick it can happen, homelessness. In an instant.
All of a sudden...
I didn't dedicate one single prior thought to becoming homeless, and I have to wonder if anyone else around the country has recently taken the entire concept of their own potential homelessness directly in the face, like I did. Don’t wait until you're outside under the stars to begin thinking about it.
It really is possible to be genuinely surprised all the way out the door to the street.
All it takes is for the friend who said you could crash with him to have something come up at the last minute, you can't go back where you came from, and you find yourself standing in a hostile and unfamiliar environment and realize you've suddenly arrived at your life.
This is what must be meant by 'real time', because that particular time was the realest I’ve ever experienced. Outside, alone, under the stars, digesting the news that I would now be living outdoors, at least for a while. I’d never even given thought to visiting Las Vegas, let alone living on the streets of it. I don’t drink or gamble, and Vegas was never on my bucket list.
Every single thing that night (and day, for that matter) was different, surreal, especially audio and sound. And standing out there in the desert outside of town, I realized the significance of the silence, as an option.
I knew there might not be too many quiet times in the near future, or quiet places where I was going.
Things were real for me, for the first time ever.
Since then, in a wide variety of settings, I've lived with and interacted with the unhoused. They’re my family. I understood right away that I’m meant to do something about it, and I appreciate that the unique circumstances under which I’ve made my journey through homelessness have been no accident.

I’ve come to understand that between finding a new effective medicine after decades of searching, having my trauma removed by the magic of the 5150 template, and re-connecting with God in such a vibrant way, I’d received the antidote to homelessness before contracting the condition. I haven’t suffered like all other homeless folks do, because I don’t suffer.
I’ve been fully cognizant and engaged the entire time, so I write about the condition and the cure like no one else ever has or could. No one embeds with the homeless, no one would last undercover for more than an hour.
I’ve learned that the way to end homelessness is by first healing, then housing.
Now, I’ve been homeless for two years, and am currently quarantined 23hday in the low-barrier shelter I’ve stayed in for the past year.
After only two years outside, do I still have more in common with indoors-dwellers than homeless people? No. Since becoming homeless, I’ve learned all the things that no one talks about, and some things some folks won’t believe. I've also learned many things about the homeless--as a group, and as individuals--that I've never heard or read anywhere else.
Because they're my family, and are suffering real injury every moment of every day, I have an obligation to tell the real truth about them.
I’ve grown sick and tired of all the lies that are told about us.
I’ve learned many things while homeless, none more important than the fact that trauma affects the poor in ways the wealthy can’t imagine. And trauma is what directly affects our world in more significant ways than any other element there is.
One way to measure the level of trauma inside an individual is by observing how they relate to domestic animals. Those who abuse animals have been abused themselves, without exception. Any distance from a loving and protective vibe toward helpless animals is an indicator of past and current unresolved trauma.
In the same way, we can grade the level of trauma inside of communities and groups of people by how they treat the most helpless and vulnerable human beings in their midst--the homeless.
The problem is that residents rarely know what their elected officials are up to. A typical indoor-dweller might have a normal, healthy protective--or disinterested--vibe toward the homeless, while just around the corner from where they live, local elected officials are telling their cops to never let us rest, to make certain we’re suffering every minute of every day.
In other words, it’s possible to be homeless in an area where most of the residents have plenty of love and compassion for all things, including homeless people, yet still be constantly and relentlessly abused and harassed.
The public--those poor souls who both pay toward our tab and bear the nuisance of our existence-- have no idea who we are as individuals, and absolutely no idea how we’re actually being treated in their towns.
People learn everything they don’t know about the homeless from what they’ve been told about us by other people--politicians, news media, the movies, TV and other truth-benders-- people who also don't know anything about us.
They also learn about us through personal observation and/or interaction, which rarely results in a positive opinion of us. I think it’s because we’re dicks.

By the time you run into us in our natural habitat, we’ve fully become the characters we invented to get us through this scary, dangerous time in our lives. When you live without a door, you quickly create and cultivate a hostile and/or crazy vibe, because you can see right away you’re gonna need it.
Other factors that mold us into poor dinner guests include living in an environment where we are quite a bit less valuable than everyone else, and the constant, daily absorption of hate, disgust, and pity from everyone we encounter.
It isn’t that we lose our empathy, we just bury it because it hurts less that way. I’ve had people stop in the middle of a conversation when they realize I’m homeless, and therefore couldn’t possibly be of any use to them. They seem miffed that they’d wasted even a moment on someone so clearly of less value than themselves..
When it comes to personal opinions about the unhoused, most Americans fall into one of several camps.
Folks think we're either
a) bloodsucking leeches
b) dangerous criminals
c) batshit crazy or
d) all of the above
And some traditional and ongoing community solutions have been:
  1. Beat us to death
  2. Light us on fire
  3. Hit and run/train track murders
  4. Try to help and/or shelter us
  5. A combination of the above
It all comes down to the residual trauma levels inside a few key people, specifically the ones who manage the cops. People take their cues from how cops treat us. In some areas, even those with several wonderful and dedicated homeless-helping entities, abuse of the homeless is a real community thing.
I don't think anyone who lives outside has a problem with absorbing non-violent hatred--we get it full blast as soon as we hit the street, and it's our primary societal function, after all--but I personally resent being hated by the ignorant and uneducated.
If you have trauma and need to aim it at me, be my guest. You're welcome to use my diminished example to try to feel better about your life. I don't mind at all. That’s the truth.
But I'd prefer if you knew SOMETHING about who your victims really are.
You see, we--the original half-million homeless cited in wikipedia in the pre-pandemic days--ain't who you think we are. We’re actually...people, believe it or not.
People. We're people, just like you; valuable, vulnerable, utterly unique.
Prodigiously talented and innately flawed. And, now, traumatized to the point where we don’t even have a place to live.
My personal two-year odyssey into homelessness feels like it’s going to conclude soon, at which point I’ll use what I’ve learned in that time to build the solution.

Now is the time for me to get on the record about who we are and who we're not before another few million start heading out here to join us.

00.17% Our percentage of the USA population. A number so small it is truly beyond imagining. A number that also means that the portion of society that does not know one single thing about either the topic or us stands at 99.83%.
Sadly, this includes those who are working the hardest to help. They see a horrible thing, they want to help. It’s a loving and warm and wonderful instinct, but what if I told you that the only essential step in treating the condition of homelessness is always, always skipped?
So...who are we, really?
We are The Other.
My family is made up of engineers, architects, teachers, musicians, artists, doctors, dentists, civic leaders, entrepreneurs and business owners, etc. Former and future high flyers.
No one is immune to becoming The Other.
The table can get set up that way as soon as a person--often, a child-- shows any sign of non-conformity--in our looks, our demeanor, our dress, our actions. In grade school, the Others were identified by their set-apart status--whether self-motivated or not, we later came to understand that most of these children had been abused at home throughout this period.
They’d absorbed more trauma than they could bear, and could no longer maintain a visible air of normalcy in their everyday lives.
Some of these kids, these ‘Others’-- but not too many, 00.17% doesn’t go very far-- grew up to become the unhoused. The rest of us continued to absorb more trauma until we exceeded our own capacity and that of our reserve tank.
Some of us grew into our Other status just by doing things differently for a lifetime. And sometimes when ‘doing things differently’ meets up with ‘financial setbacks’ and ‘estrangement from family’, a perfect storm can develop. And, once unhoused, the journey back is long and incredibly arduous.
I'll try to bring to light some of the environmental changes I've experienced, as a homeless person living in a homeless shelter, pre- and post-pandemic.
I've had a unique opportunity to witness a homeless shelter adjust in a time of crisis like no other. There was no template for quarantine, or anything like it. I’m limited to an hour outside the barbed wire, due to the lockdown, and have been for several weeks. I can leave for a night, but will be kicked out for 30 days if I do
None of these realities will be easy for the public to swallow. They simply aren't used to getting the real scoop about the homeless. I’ve had all my previously printed articles and letters scrubbed from local news websites when I stopped thanking everyone and started to write about the abuses I was seeing, so even if you have the rare homeless writer in your area, his voice will be squashed if he actually complains about anything.
Conditions for the homeless in this country have always varied dramatically by municipality, and the same will be true throughout this pandemic and afterwards, unless enough of us take a moment to pipe up. There are places in this country--I live in one of them-- where it is basically legal to abuse us.
Where I live, in Oxnard, the local press lies about us and make us out to be monsters, local tough boys terrorize us in their vehicles, cops and hospitals fast-track abusive interactions, our advocates are hostile to us, local government blatantly misuses the funds allocated to us, etc.
I live in a town where all the public restrooms have been locked for the last year and a half--pure old-timey hatred--yet the local paper ran a front page article about the homeless relieving themselves outside. It’d be comically evil, if there weren’t real victims.
That we have the highest homeless death rate in the nation should be a matter of some intense study. Warm, mild, lovely Ventura County. Deadliest place in the nation for the homeless, has been for some time, and it ain’t close.
I'll wager that any other place carrying a 5% homeless death rate--if you can find another one, I couldn’t--has either a serial killer, or locally concentrated hatred and mistreatment on an epic scale, as we do here in Oxnard. And breaking a story is one thing, while getting someone to give a rat’s ass about the story is something else entirely.
Robinson reviews the high homeless death rate in Ventura County
I hope that the current, pre-pandemic homeless will be one of the few groups that will come out of this thing trending upward, but I’m skeptical.
We'll likely be first in line for housing, or should be, which we noticed suddenly became available when talk of rounding us up began.
But shelters or group homes require the compassion of the neighbors, and that can be hard to come by. And before you respond, remember that I lived indoors for most of my life, all of us have. We share your opinions without sharing much of your hatred.

Let's be clear: there is plenty of housing and sheltering availability. It depends on the will of the community to step forward and decide that no one has to sleep outdoors there. Period.

Especially women! How in the world do we still have women sleeping outside in this country?
I wish people had some idea of just how much it takes to unravel a woman until she is living outdoors. It’s everyone, especially men, turning on her at once-- family, work, parents, neighbors, friends-- and taking her heart and all her stuff, taking advantage of the very things that make women special: compassion and forgiveness. Taking everything, and more.
Homeless women have absorbed more trauma than anyone else alive, and they should be loved and protected and taken care of by the rest of us. They should be able to sleep the entire night through, and not be cold or hungry or in fear.
Homeless Girls by Concrete Chrysalis
Shelters help with that. It isn’t housing, which is a ridiculous fever dream for 95% of us here in SoCal, but it is a place of safety. That’s a start, step one in the right direction.
There has never been a study, not one, that showed either property values diminishing or crime rising around any homeless shelter, anywhere. That complaint isn’t valid, so please stop making it. If it’s pure hatred you’re running on, just say it out loud. Trust me, no one will take offense for us.
Last night, standing outside in the yard, guarded by security personnel and surrounded by barbed-wire fences, I listened to live music coming from three different parties in our immediate area. There were festivities, fireworks, and we could hear laughter and merriment. I wondered how much longer we’d be quarantined.
I thought about how we’re relying on people who have demonstrated nothing but aggression toward us to give us the go-ahead and lift our restrictions.
One immediate positive result of the pandemic was that we could tell all the guys who wore scary masks BEFORE the pandemic--and we have a bunch of them around here-- that our four year old daughter's hamster has a scarier mask than he does.
Next time I'll write about the shelter I stay in, the adjustments it’s had to make, and the essential human element necessary in the successful staffing of these vital 'triage' shelters.
I’ll write about what happens when a small California city makes an official decision to create a third-world environment for their homeless residents, right smack in the middle of privilege and affluence.
Step by step, I’ll review exactly how they’ve gone about their dark work and why, and I’ll try to personalize the experience for you, just in terms of the accumulated toll of pure human suffering.
I’ll compare and contrast the various shelter theories, provide the short list of what we know works, and expose the twisted and ignorant views of the ‘just lock them up’ crowd.
I'll also introduce the Paradise Project, an initiative designed to cure the state of homelessness and relegate the entire issue to the dustbin of history. It's an end-game solution that we’ll prove first here, in Ventura County, then export to other parts of the nation. Then we’ll pivot to healing and restoring first-responders and ending suicide.
Thank you for reading.
submitted by SongOfSantaPaula to homeless [link] [comments]

Mockingbird X.0

Imagine if there was one desk that all stories could cross so that, at 4am, a media plan could be decided upon and disseminated where all news outlets coordinated to set the goalposts of debate and hyper focused on specific issues to drive a narrative to control how you vote and how you spend money; where Internet shills were given marching orders in tandem to what was shown on television, printed in newspapers and spread throughout articles on the World Wide Web.
In the past, we had Operation Mockingbird, where the program was supremely confident that it could control stories around the world, even in instructions to cover up any story about a possible “Yeti” sighting, should it turn out they were real.
If, in 1959, the government was confident in its ability to control a story about a Yeti, then what is their level of confidence in controlling stories, today?
In fact, we have a recent example of a situation similar to the Yeti. When Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch met on the TARMAC to spike the Hillary email investigation, the FBI was so confident it wasn’t them, that their entire focus was finding the leaker, starting with searching within the local PD. We have documentation that demonstrates the state of mind of the confidence the upper levels of the FBI have when dealing with the media.
The marriage between mainstream media and government is a literal one and this arrangement is perfectly legal.
But, this problem extends far beyond politics; the private sector, the scientific community, even advice forums are shilled heavily. People are paid to cause anxiety, recommend people break up and otherwise sow depression and nervousness. This is due to a correlating force that employs “systems psychodynamics”, focusing on “tension centered” strategies to create “organizational paradoxes” by targeting people’s basic assumptions about the world around them to create division and provide distraction.
In this day and age, it is even easier to manage these concepts and push a controlled narrative from a central figure than it has ever been. Allen & Co is a “boutique investment firm” that managed the merger between Disney and Fox and operates as an overseeing force for nearly all media and Internet shill armies, while having it’s fingers in sports, social media, video games, health insurance, etc.
Former director of the CIA and Paul Brennan’s former superior George Tenet, holds the reigns of Allen & Co. The cast of characters involves a lot of the usual suspects.
In 1973, Allen & Company bought a stake in Columbia Pictures. When the business was sold in 1982 to Coca-Cola, it netted a significant profit. Since then, Herbert Allen, Jr. has had a place on Coca-Cola's board of directors.
Since its founding in 1982, the Allen & Company Sun Valley Conference has regularly drawn high-profile attendees such as Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Rupert Murdoch, Barry Diller, Michael Eisner, Oprah Winfrey, Robert Johnson, Andy Grove, Richard Parsons, and Donald Keough.
Allen & Co. was one of ten underwriters for the Google initial public offering in 2004. In 2007, Allen was sole advisor to Activision in its $18 billion merger with Vivendi Games. In 2011, the New York Mets hired Allen & Co. to sell a minority stake of the team. That deal later fell apart. In November 2013, Allen & Co. was one of seven underwriters on the initial public offering of Twitter. Allen & Co. was the adviser of Facebook in its $19 billion acquisition of WhatsApp in February 2014.
In 2015, Allen & Co. was the advisor to Time Warner in its $80 billion 2015 merger with Charter Communications, AOL in its acquisition by Verizon, Centene Corporation in its $6.8 billion acquisition of Health Net, and eBay in its separation from PayPal.
In 2016, Allen & Co was the lead advisor to Time Warner in its $108 billion acquisition by AT&T, LinkedIn for its merger talks with Microsoft, Walmart in its $3.3 billion purchase of, and Verizon in its $4.8 billion acquisition of Yahoo!. In 2017, Allen & Co. was the advisor to in PetSmart’s $3.35 billion purchase of the online retailer.
Allen & Co throws the Sun Valley Conference every year where you get a glimpse of who sows up. Harvey Weinstein, though a past visitor, was not invited last year.
Previous conference guests have included Bill and Melinda Gates, Warren and Susan Buffett, Tony Blair, Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Allen alumnus and former Philippine Senator Mar Roxas, Google Chairman Eric Schmidt, Quicken Loans Founder & Chairman Dan Gilbert, Yahoo! co-founder Jerry Yang, financier George Soros, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, Media Mogul Rupert Murdoch, eBay CEO Meg Whitman, BET founder Robert Johnson, Time Warner Chairman Richard Parsons, Nike founder and chairman Phil Knight, Dell founder and CEO Michael Dell, NBA player LeBron James, Professor and Entrepreneur Sebastian Thrun, Governor Chris Christie, entertainer Dan Chandler, Katharine Graham of The Washington Post, Diane Sawyer, InterActiveCorp Chairman Barry Diller, Linkedin co-founder Reid Hoffman, entrepreneur Wences Casares, EXOR and FCA Chairman John Elkann, Sandro Salsano from Salsano Group, and Washington Post CEO Donald E. Graham, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, and Oprah Winfrey.
George Tenet, with the reigns of Allen & Co in his hands, is able to single-handedly steer the entire Mockingbird apparatus from cable television to video games to Internet shills from a singular location determining the spectrum of allowable debate. Not only are they able to target people’s conscious psychology, they can target people’s endocrine systems with food and pornography; where people are unaware, on a conscious level, of how their moods and behavior are being manipulated.
"The problem with George Tenet is that he doesn't seem to care to get his facts straight. He is not meticulous. He is willing to make up stories that suit his purposes and to suppress information that does not."
"Sadly but fittingly, 'At the Center of the Storm' is likely to remind us that sometimes what lies at the center of a storm is a deafening silence."
Tenet joined President-elect Bill Clinton's national security transition team in November 1992. Clinton appointed Tenet Senior Director for Intelligence Programs at the National Security Council, where he served from 1993 to 1995. Tenet was appointed Deputy Director of Central Intelligence in July 1995. Tenet held the position as the DCI from July 1997 to July 2004. Citing "personal reasons," Tenet submitted his resignation to President Bush on June 3, 2004. Tenet said his resignation "was a personal decision and had only one basis—in fact, the well-being of my wonderful family—nothing more and nothing less. In February 2008, he became a managing director at investment bank Allen & Company.
We have the documentation that demonstrates what these people could possibly be doing with all of these tools of manipulation at their fingertips.
The term for it is “covert political action” for which all media put before your eyes is used to serve as a veneer… a reality TV show facade of a darker modus operandum.
It is now clear that we are facing an implacable enemy whose avowed objective is world domination by whatever means and at whatever costs. There are no rules in such a game. Hitherto acceptable norms of human conduct do not apply. If the US is to survive, longstanding American concepts of "fair play" must be reconsidered. We must develop effective espionage and counterespionage services and must learn to subvert, sabotage and destroy our enemies by more clever, more sophisticated means than those used against us. It may become necessary that the American people be made acquainted with, understand and support this fundamentally repugnant philosophy.
Intelligence historian Jeffrey T. Richelson says the S.A. has covered a variety of missions. The group, which recently was reorganized, has had about 200 officers, divided among several groups: the Special Operations Group; the Foreign Training Group, which trains foreign police and intelligence officers; the Propaganda and Political Action Group, which handles disinformation; the Computer Operations Group, which handles information warfare; and the Proprietary Management Staff, which manages whatever companies the CIA sets up as covers for the S.A.
Scientology as a CIA Political Action Group – “It is a continuing arrangement…”:
…Those operations we inaugurated in the years 1955-7 are still secret, but, for present purposes, I can say all that’s worth saying about them in a few sentences – after, that is, I offer these few words of wisdom. The ‘perfect’ political action operation is, by definition, uneventful. Nothing ‘happens’ in it. It is a continuing arrangement, neither a process nor a series of actions proceeding at a starting point and ending with a conclusion.
CIA FBI NSA Personnel Active in Scientology:
When you consider the number of forces that can be contained within a single “political action group” in the form on a “boutique investment firm,” where all sides of political arguments are predetermined by a selected group of actors who have been planted, compromised or leveraged in some way in order to control the way they spin their message.
The evidence of this coordinated effort is overwhelming and the “consensus” that you see on TV, in sports, in Hollywood, in the news and on the Internet is fabricated.
Under the guise of a fake account a posting is made which looks legitimate and is towards the truth is made - but the critical point is that it has a VERY WEAK PREMISE without substantive proof to back the posting. Once this is done then under alternative fake accounts a very strong position in your favour is slowly introduced over the life of the posting. It is IMPERATIVE that both sides are initially presented, so the uninformed reader cannot determine which side is the truth. As postings and replies are made the stronger 'evidence' or disinformation in your favour is slowly 'seeded in.'
Thus the uninformed reader will most likely develop the same position as you, and if their position is against you their opposition to your posting will be most likely dropped. However in some cases where the forum members are highly educated and can counter your disinformation with real facts and linked postings, you can then 'abort' the consensus cracking by initiating a 'forum slide.'
When you find yourself feeling like common sense and common courtesy aren’t as common as they ought to be, it is because there is a massive psychological operation controlled from the top down to ensure that as many people as possible are caught in a “tension based” mental loop that is inflicted on them by people acting with purpose to achieve goals that are not in the interest of the general population, but a method of operating in secret and corrupt manner without consequences.
Notice that Jeffrey Katzenberg, of Disney, who is intertwined with Allen & Co funds the Young Turks. He is the perfect example of the relationship between media and politics.
Katzenberg has also been involved in politics. With his active support of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, he was called "one of Hollywood's premier political kingmakers and one of the Democratic Party's top national fundraisers."
With cash from Jeffrey Katzenberg, The Young Turks looks to grow paid subscribers:
Last week, former DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg’s new mobile entertainment company WndrCo was part of a $20 million funding round in TYT Network, which oversees 30 news and commentary shows covering politics, pop culture, sports and more. This includes the flagship “The Young Turks” program that streams live on YouTube every day. Other investors in the round included venture capital firms Greycroft Partners, and 3L Capital, which led the round. This brings total funding for Young Turks to $24 million.
How Hollywood's Political Donors Are Changing Strategies for the Trump Era:
Hollywood activism long has been depicted as a club controlled by a handful of powerful white men: Katzenberg, Spielberg, Lear, David Geffen, Haim Saban and Bob Iger are the names most often mentioned. But a new generation of power brokers is ascendant, including J.J. Abrams and his wife, Katie McGrath, cited for their personal donations and bundling skills; Shonda Rhimes, who held a get-out-the-vote rally at USC's Galen Center on Sept. 28 that drew 10,000 people; CAA's Darnell Strom, who has hosted events for Nevada congresswoman Jacky Rosen and Arizona congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema; and former Spotify executive Troy Carter, who held three fundraisers for Maryland gubernatorial candidate Ben Jealous (Carter also was a fundraiser for President Obama).
Soros Group Buys Viacom's DreamWorks Film Library:
Viacom, after splitting off from Les Moonves Les Moonves ' CBS , still holds Paramount Pictures, and that movie studio in December agreed to acquire DreamWorks SKG, the creative shop founded by the Hollywood triumvirate of Steven Spielberg, David Geffen and Jeffrey Katzenberg (a former exec at The Walt Disney Co.). DreamWorks Animation had been spun off into a separate company.
Now it's time for Freston to make back some money--and who better to do a little business with than George Soros? The billionaire financier leads a consortium of Soros Strategic Partners LP and Dune Entertainment II LLC, which together are buying the DreamWorks library--a collection of 59 flicks, including Saving Private Ryan, Gladiator, and American Beauty.
The money you spend on media and junk food and in taxes goes to these groups who then decide how best to market at you so that they decide how you vote by creating a fake consensus to trick into thinking that you want something other than what is best for you; but will inevitably result in more money being funneled to the top, creating further separation between the super rich and the average person. The goal will be to assert creeping authoritarianism by generating outrage against policies and issues they hate. Part of manipulating your basic assumptions is also to use schadenfreude (think canned laughter on TV) against characters who support the cause that might actually do you the most good (which reaffirms and strengthens your confirmation biased along predetermined political lines).
We have a population being taught to hate socialism and love capitalism when the truth is no country is practicing either. These terms are merely disguises for political oligarchies where the collection of wealth is less about getting themselves rich and more about keeping everyone else poor.
What can you guess about the world around you if it turned out that every consensus that was forced on you was fake?
How much money would it take to make it look like 51% of the Internet believed in completely idiotic ideas? Combine shill operations with automation and AI’s, and the cost becomes a good investment relative to the return when measured in political power.
Even the people who are well intentioned and very vocal do not have to consciously be aware that they are working for a political action group. A covert political group will always prefer an unwitting tool to help push their agenda, so that they can remain in the shadows.
FDA Admonishes Drug Maker Over Kim Kardashian Instagram Endorsement
The OSS files offer details about other agents than famous chef, Julia Child; including Supreme Court Justice Arthur Goldberg, major league catcher Moe Berg, historian Arthur Schlesinger Jr., and actor Sterling Hayden.
USA Today: Businesses and organizations may refer to it as a tool for competitive advantage and marketing; but make no mistake
Shareblue accounts caught in /politics posting links to Shareblue without disclosing their affiliation
Psy Group developed elaborate information operations for commercial clients and political candidates around the world
Top mod of /Mechanical_Gifs tries to sell subreddit on ebay for 999.00 dollars.
Shill posts picture of a dog in a hammock with the brand clearly visible without indicating that it's an ad in the title of the post
Arstechnica: GCHQs menu of tools spreads disinformation across Internet- “Effects capabilities” allow analysts to twist truth subtly or spam relentlessly.
Samsung Electronics Fined for Fake Online Comments
Discover Magazine: Researchers Uncover Twitter Bot Army That’s 350
Times of Israel - The internet: Israel’s new PR battlefield
Time: Social Media Manipulation? When “Indie” Bloggers and Businesses Get Cozy
Content-Driven Detection of Campaigns in Social Media [PDF]
the law preventing them from using this in America was repealed
Redditor who works for a potato mailing company admits to being a shill. He shows off his 27 thousand dollars he made in /pics
Screenshot of post since it was removed.
Just thought I'd contribute to this thread
CNN: A PR firm has revealed that it is behind two blogs that previously appeared to be created by independent supporters of Wal-Mart. The blogs Working Families for Wal-mart and subsidiary site Paid Critics are written by 3 employees of PR firm Edelman
Vice: Your Government Wants to Militarize Social Media to Influence Your Beliefs
BBC News: China's Internet spin doctors
BBC News: US plans to 'fight the net' revealed
Wall Street Journal: Turkey's Government Forms 6
Fake product reviews may be pervasive
USA Today: The co-owner of a major Pentagon propaganda contractor publicly admitted that he was behind a series of websites used in an attempt to discredit two USA TODAY journalists who had reported on the contractor.
ADWEEK: Marketing on Reddit Is Scary
BBC- How online chatbots are already tricking you- Intelligent machines that can pass for humans have long been dreamed of
BBC news: Amazon targets 1
BBC: More than four times as many tweets were made by automated accounts in favour of Donald Trump around the first US presidential debate as by those backing Hillary Clinton
Fake five-star reviews being bought and sold online - Fake online reviews are being openly traded on the internet
Bloomberg: How to Hack an Election [and influence voters with fake social media accounts]
"Internet Reputation Management
Buzzfeed: Documents Show How Russia’s Troll Army Hit America
The Rise of Social Bots
CBC News- Canadian government monitors online forums
Chicago Tribune: Nutrition for sale: How Kellogg worked with 'independent experts' to tout cereal
DailyKos: HBGary: Automated social media management
Meme Warfare Center
Shilling on Reddit is openly admitted to in this Forbes article
Forbes: From Tinder Bots To 'Cuban Twitter'
Huffington Post- Exposing Cyber Shills and Social Media's Underworld
The Independent: Massive British PR firm caught on video: "We've got all sorts of dark arts...The ambition is to drown that negative content and make sure that you have positive content online." They discuss techniques for managing reputations online and creating/maintaining 3rd-party blogs that seem independent.
New York Times: Lifestyle Lift
New York Times: Give Yourself 5 Stars? Online
NY Times- From a nondescript office building in St. Petersburg
NY Times: Effort to Expose Russia’s ‘Troll Army’ Draws Vicious Retaliation
PBS Frontline Documentary - Generation Like
Gamers promote gaming-gambling site on youtube by pretending to hit jackpot without disclosing that they own the site. They tried to retroactively write a disclosure covering their tracks
Raw Story: CENTCOM engages bloggers
Raw Story: Air Force ordered software to manage army of fake virtual people
Salon: Why Reddit moderators are censoring Glenn Greenwald’s latest news story on shills
The Atlantic: Kim Kardashian was paid to post a selfie on Instagram and Twitter advertising a pharmaceutical product. Sent to 42 million followers on Instagram and 32 million on Twitter
The Guardian: Internet Astroturfing
The Guardian: Israel ups the stakes in the propaganda war
Operation Earnest Voice
The Guardian: British army creates team of Facebook warriors
The Guardian: US military studied how to influence Twitter [and Reddit] users in Darpa-funded research [2014]
The Guardian: Chinese officials flood the Chinese internet with positive social media posts to distract their population
Times of Israel: Israeli government paying bilingual students to spread propaganda online primarily to international communities without having to identify themselves as working for the government. "The [student] union will operate computer rooms for the was decided to establish a permanent structure of activity on the Internet through the students at academic institutions in the country."
USA Today: Lord & Taylor settles FTC charges over paid Instagram posts
Researcher's algorithm weeds out people using multiple online accounts to spread propaganda - Based on word choice
Wired: Powered by rapid advances in artificial intelligence
Wired: Clinton Staff and Volunteers Busted for Astroturfing [in 2007]
Wired: Pro-Government Twitter Bots Try to Hush Mexican Activists
Wired: Microsoft
Wired: Military Report: Secretly ‘Recruit or Hire Bloggers’
Wired: Air Force Releases ‘Counter-Blog’ Marching Orders
Reddit Secrets
Reddit Secrets
"Once we isolate key people
GCHQ has their own internet shilling program
US also operates in conjunction with the UK to collect and share intelligence data
Glenn Greenwald: How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate
Glenn Greenwald: Hacking Online Polls and Other Ways British Spies Seek to Control the Internet
Here is a direct link to your image for the benefit of mobile users
Reddit for iPhone
Why Satoshi Nakamoto Has Gone
What I learned selling my Reddit accounts
Artificial intelligence chatbots will overwhelm human speech online; the rise of MADCOMs
How Reddit Got Huge: Tons of Fake Accounts - According to Reddit cofounder Steve Huffman
Whistleblower and subsequent investigation: Paid trolls on /Bitcoin
Confession of Hillary Shill from /SandersForPresident
Why do I exist?
Already a direct link?
Here's the thread.
/netsec talks about gaming reddit via sockpuppets and how online discourse is (easily) manipulated.
Redditor comes clean about being paid to chat on Reddit. They work to promote a politician
Shill whistleblower
Russian bots were active on Reddit last year
The Bush and Gore campaigns of 2000 used methods similar to the Chinese government for conducting “guided discussions” in chatrooms designed to influence citizens
source paper.
or Click Here. Alleged paid shill leaks details of organization and actions.
Shill Confessions and Additional Information
Corporate and governmental manipulation of Wikipedia articles
Ex -MMA fighter and ex-police officer exposes corrupt police practices
User pushes InfoWars links on Reddit
Some websites use shill accounts to spam their competitor's articles
User posts video using GoPro
Fracking shill whistleblower spills the beans on Fracking Internet PR
Directorate of Operations
October 16, 1964
Subject: After action report of
Operation CUCKOO (TS)

1) Operation CUCKOO was part of the overall operation CLEANSWEEP, aimed at eliminating domestic opposition to activities undertaken by the Central Intelligence Agency's special activities division, in main regard to operation GUILLOTINE.

2) Operation CUCKOO was approved by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Department of Defense and the office of The President of the United States as a covert domestic action to be under taken within the limits of Washington D.C as outlined by Secret Executive Order 37.

3) Following the publishing of the Warren Commission, former special agent Mary Pinchot Meyer (Operation MOCKINGBIRD, Operation SIREN) also was married to Cord Meyer (Operation MOCKINGBIRD, Operation GUILLOTINE) threatened to disclose the details of several Special Activities Divisions' operations, including but not limited to, Operation SIREN and GUILLOTENE.
4) It was deemed necessary by senior Directorate of Operations members to initiate Operation CUCKOO as an extension of Operation CLEANSWEEP on November 30th. After Mary Pinchot Meyer threatened to report her knowledge of Operation GUILLOTENE and the details of her work in Operation SIREN from her affair with the former President.

5) Special Activities Division was given the green light after briefing president Johnson on the situation. The situation report was forwarded to the Department of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of staff, who both approved of the parameters of the operation, as outlined under article C of secret executive order 37 (see attached copy of article).
6) 8 members of the special activities division handpicked by operation lead William King Harvey began planning for the operation on October 3rd, with planned execution before October 16th.

7) The (?) of the operation was set as the neighborhood of Georgetown along the Potomac river, where the operators would observe, take note on routines, and eventually carry the operation.

8) After nothing Meyer's routines, Edward "Eddy" Reid was picked as the operation point man who would intersect Meyer on her walk on October 12th, with lead William King Harvey providing long range support if necessary from across the Chesapeake and Ohio canal (see illustration A for detailed map).

9) Edward Reid was planned to be dressed in the manner of a homeless black man, due to his resemblances to local trash collector (later found out to be Raymond Crump) who inhabits the AO and the path that Reid was planned to intersect Meyer.
submitted by The_Web_Of_Slime to Intelligence [link] [comments]

Transparent Voter Suppression by GOP

New Hampshire
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
"I don't want everybody to vote... As a matter of fact our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down."
-Paul Weyrich, co-founder of Heritage Foundation and ALEC, 1980
“Look, if African Americans voted overwhelmingly Republican, they would have kept early voting right where it was,” Wrenn said. “It wasn’t about discriminating against African Americans. They just ended up in the middle of it because they vote Democrat.”
-Carter Wrenn, Republican consultant in North Carolina
“There's a lot of liberal folks in those other schools who that maybe we don't want to vote. Maybe we want to make it just a little more difficult. And I think that's a great idea.”
-Cindy Hyde-Smith, Republican Senator of Mississippi, 2003
Seeking more examples, if you have them.
Get out and vote.
submitted by Kakamile to Keep_Track [link] [comments]

Our Messaging: Some Suggestions For Persuasion


I feel like Bernie and his campaign's messaging and rhetoric have some room for improvement. I know, I know. Who the hell am I to suggest anything to Bernie, who has done a phenomenal job weathering the attacks against him thanks to his laser focus on the issues. We know he can't be attacked on the issues that matter and on his record, so they resort to the same tired lines like "socialism", owning three houses, electability, "Bernie Bros", how to get things passed, how to pay for it, etc.
But it's very important to realize that many people have fundamentally very different assumptions and as such, they reach very different conclusions whenever we point out the problems we're facing.
For example, when we talk about wealth inequality, some people don't think there is anything wrong with it. They think that America is a true meritocracy and therefore, the rich have acquired that much wealth because they deserved it; moreover, the poorest people also deserve the struggles they're facing because they're not working hard enough. This is a fundamental disagreement and no amount of pointing out how "three people own more wealth than the bottom half of the country" will get to them.
So I want Bernie and us to speak in a way that challenges these underlying assumptions. I want him and us to speak in a way that points out the systemic issues that are the root causes of the problems. And I want him and us to speak in a way that points out the unfairness of the system, as people respond much more strongly to unfairness and injustice than only cold hard facts. We have both the facts and the indignation at these facts. This kind of messaging is more rousing and is more likely to get out the votes.
Here are some the ways to talk about the issues that I feel will resonate more with people:

Wealth Inequality

Bernie: The 3 wealthiest Americans own more wealth than the bottom half of the country. We're going to create an economy that works for all of, not just the 1%.
Why It Might Not Work: "The American economy is fair and everyone deserves exactly what they're getting.", "It's working for those who work hard."
Better Approach:
Over the last 30 years, the top 1 percent has seen a $21 trillion increasein its wealth, while the bottom half of American society has actually lost $900 billion in wealth. In other words, there has been a massive transfer of wealth from those who have too little to those who have too much. Moreover, since 1980, the share of the national income owned by the 1% in the USA rose from 11% to 20% in 2016, while the share owned by the bottom 50% declined from 20% to 13%. Such a trend is absent/negligible in Western Europe, as can be seen in the graph.
What does it mean when half of the country has collectively lost wealth over the decades? Does this mean that half of Americans are simply "not working hard enough" to "pull themselves up by their bootstraps"?
Maybe it's not the people who are the problem. It is the system, controlled by the rich and unfairly favors the rich, that is the problem. The "bootstraps" ideology and "trickle down economics" are merely propaganda pushed by the rich (who own the mainstream media) for decades through well-paid talking heads, including politicians, to justify tax breaks and subsidies for themselves. In reality, the numbers paint a very different picture.


Bernie: Democratic Socialism
Why It Might Not Work: "Still a socialist/commie."
Better Approach:
I love what Bernie said in the last debate. "We are living, in many ways, in socialist society right now. Problem is, as Doctor Martin Luther King reminded us, 'we have socialism for the very rich, rugged individualism for the poor.'" This is the right idea.
Another one: Young people want "Boomer Socialism": affordable college, low housing prices, living wages, and social security that allowed our grandparents to prosper. We should enjoy the same things they did.
Another one: Bernie's ideas are not radical. They are policies tried and tested in many successful countries. The label attached to these policies doesn't matter. Call it "socialism" or call it "adopting policies that work in all other developed countries," the effect is the same: a smarter, healthier, more productive, and happier nation.
As a result of the fear of "socialism", Americans are missing out on so many things that the rest of the developed world is enjoying. While half of Americans are working paycheck to paycheck, struggling to send their kids to college, ignoring that slight headache for fear of large hospital bills, overworking themselves to depression, others are enjoying free college tuition, universal healthcare, and plenty of paid vacation days. They are actually living their lives while Americans spend countless hours at work, only to go home stressed and worried if they'll ever be able to save up for the things they want. How come the average citizen of the richest country in the history of the world is unable to live a more fulfilling life?


Bernie: We're going to make the rich pay their fair share of taxes.
Why It Might Not Work: "They're already paying more than everyone else.", "You just want handouts.", "Taxation is theft.", "I'm not gonna be paying for those godd*mn illegals!"
Better Approach:
The general idea behind taxation is that the government needs funding to serve its people. We all need roads, law enforcement, medical services, education, water, etc. so everyone chips in. With a 0% tax rate, there would be no government. But with 100% taxation, there would be no businesses, no incentives to innovate. So obviously the ideal tax rate is somewhere in between (DUH!).
Bernie simply believes that the optimal rate is higher than the current. He is a fan of the Nordic Model, as practiced in the Nordic countries. Notably, their tax rates are much higher than yours and that's why they are able to fund social safety nets for everyone. Their system allows for much better chances to succeed and prosper even if you were born poor, or if you get an unexpected illness, fall into drug addiction, or if your house burns down, etc. The young Prime Minister of Finland said thattheir system embodies the American Dream far better than yours does.
Social programs should not be seen as an economic drain wherein "handouts" are given to the "undeserving". Seriously, that's a disgusting view. They should be seen as an investment into everyone's future. The return of said investments is a healthy, educated, prosperous populace. This is essential for a functioning democracy. Do you want to live in a country full of idiots prone to propaganda? Do you want to see more homeless people? Do you want higher crime rates caused by desperation? Of course not.
And on a more human level, everyone deserves a fair shot. Everyone deserves an opportunity to overcome the circumstances of their birth. Everyone deserves a chance to bounce back from mistakes made in the past. Bernie believes this wholeheartedly.

Trickle Down Economics/Supply-Side Economics

Bernie: Since Trump took office, billionaires have increased their wealth by $850 billion, while the workers saw an increase in real wages (adjusted for inflation) by only 1%.
Why It Might Not Work: "Tax cuts for the wealthy will stimulate the economy and everyone will be better off in the end", "The economy is booming thanks to Trump's tax cuts", "At least the real wages increased."
Better Approach:
Perhaps Trump's biggest economic policy were the tax cuts in 2017. In 2018, the top 400 families paid 23% effective tax rate vs 24.2% on average for the bottom half of American households. Thanks to Trump's tax cuts. This alone should be beyond absurd. But it gets worse. In ten years, 83% of the benefits from those tax cuts would go to the 1%, while the middle class would incur a net loss within the same period. Despite Trump promising that they would not benefit the rich at all.Unsurprisingly, he lied. In fact, two of the three richest Americans, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, opposed the bill. Buffett said "I don't need a tax cut in a society with so much inequality".
The economy did not suddenly become strong under Trump.The fact of the matter is that the economic trends in this administration have been continuations of the previous one's success. Obama inherited a recession and a subprime mortgage crisis, and he gradually led America out of it.
Trump touts some unemployment numbers that have steadily been decreasing since 2010 and would naturally decrease anyway if allowed to continue. He promised a 4% quarterly GDP growth, which he never hit but Obama hit 4 times. His greatest focus is the stock market, which is indeed great. But the average American doesn't see much benefit from that. 84% of stocks are owned by the top 10%, while the bottom 80% (~260 million people) own 6.7% of stocks between themselves.
It's very telling that the media would boast of the booming economy even though it's only the rich who see the benefits. Why is that? We'll get back to this.
Supply-side economics as promoted by Reagan since the 1980's, is literally what led to the impoverishing of the poorest Americans. Call it Reaganomics, or supply-side economics, or trickle-down economics, the central idea is that less taxes means more economic growth which leads to a bigger economy which means everyone is better off. But like we have already shown, a bigger economy doesn't mean everyone is better off -- the bottom half of Americans collectively lost $900 billion in net worth since the Reagan era, remember? And now, Trump wants to keep doing the same things, like tax breaks for the rich by cutting social security, which leads to even more losses for the average American.

The Role Of Mainstream Media

Media Narratives: "Experts are constantly warning us that our economy will collapse because of these 'socialist' policies, so they must be right!", "Bernie Bros are terrible," "Heart attack", "No one likes Bernie," Bernie has not been vetted, "He'll never get things done,"
These are all media narratives that try to paint Bernie in a bad light.
Consider this perspective: remember that the mass media is a for-profit industry and are part of large corporations whose owners care more about profits than about us. So the media pundits are saying exactly what the rich want us to think. When they say "the economy will be ruined by these government programs", it's really just their bosses not wanting to pay their fair share of taxes. These talking heads would not be employed in these positions if they did not have the beliefs that conform with the elites' views. They may some allow dissent from their guests every now and then, but the news networks as a whole will be very prejudiced against such opinions.
It Is Difficult to Get a Man to Understand Something When His Salary Depends Upon His Not Understanding It -Upton Sinclair
So decades of supply-side economics rhetoric promoted by the rich through their mass media networks has inundated the minds of the average American and has led many to vote against their best interests. Many are resigned to thinking "that's just how things work, and we just have to work harder to succeed." As some media personalities would say, "stop being poor!"
Yes, hard work is necessary to prosper, but it is clearly not sufficient (unless you seriously want to suggest that half of Americans are not working hard enough). Things could be so much better. Take universal health care for example. "Journalists" and politicians (funded by billionaires through lobbying aka bribery) would have us believe that the economy would collapse if it's implemented. But how come all other developed countries have universal healthcare, with perfectly functioning economies? They have not devolved into "socialist wastelands", like these talking heads keep insisting would happen. "If they can do it, so can we!"
The degree to which the greed of some of the wealthiest has poisoned the American mind is nothing short of astounding. And frankly, it's terrifying how effective the media was in doing so. Anyway, this perfectly explains the media's anti-Bernie bias -- he wants to tax the wealthy and get money out of politics, that's why they censor and disparage him in every imaginable way to try to lead voters against him. So many things make sense when you realize that corporate media serves not as an instrument of finding out the truth, but as a propaganda outlet subservient to the needs and interests of the elite. Manufacturing Consent

The Powerful Elite

Bernie: We are taking on the greed and corruption of the health insurance industry, the pharmaceutical industry, the fossil fuel industry, the military-industrial complex, the prison-industrial complex, and the multinational corporations.
Why It Might Not Work: "What is he talking about?", "Why is he declaring war on everyone?", "He's going to burn everything down!", "Typical commie will ruin our economy and our country."
Better Approach:
You're beginning to see how the rich are holding the economy hostage. When they say that "the economy will be ruined if taxes increase", what they really mean is that they will deliberately sabotage it if they don't get what they want (namely tax breaks, subsidies, deregulations, and other laws that favor them heavily). They may do so by raising their prices through the roof and firing employees en masse.
They already have enough wealth to last several lifetimes of luxury so they can afford to give workers better wages. But instead of accepting smaller profits where they can only afford 5 yachts instead of 10, they will throw a hissy fit and throw the workforce under the bus. This is why Bernie plans to empower labor unions to prevent this possibility.
Corporations already exert so much leverage on the government as things stand. Doing nothing -- or worse, giving them tax cuts -- will only serve to exacerbate things. Your country will be more likely to go to war if Lockheed Martin or Raytheon deems it profitable. Your country will withdraw from global accords that promise to build a sustainable planet for future generations because the fossil fuel giants say so. The price of medicine and health insurance will continue to skyrocket because Big Pharma wants to beat last year's records. The list goes on. And if at any point their gambles and ventures fail, they will once again ask the public to bail them out like they did last decade. Privatize the gains, socialize the losses. Socialism for the rich.

Money In Politics And How To Get Things Done

Bernie: We have taken no contributions from billionaires. We are a campaign by the people for the people. We are going to pass laws that work for the people, not wealthy campaign contributors.
Why It Might Not Work: "Why is taking donations from billionaires a problem?", "Why not just accept some of their help?", "You can still pass laws even if you take their donations, can't you?"
Better Approach:
Bernie wants to limit the absolute stranglehold the wealthy has on nearly all aspects of American life. Reducing the power of money in politics would give the power back to the people, where it belongs. Take a look at this list of proposals that the majority of Americans support. They are very popular ideas, yet politicians can't seem to pass them into tangible laws? Why is that?
It's because they do not do the bidding of the American people, only their rich donors'. And these donors form lobbying groups, also known as legalized bribery, to fund the politicians. Bernie will make sure that all Americans, not just the richest, are in charge of the country's future.
Bernie will not only be Commander-in-Chief; he will also be Organizer-in-Chief. If a Senator obstructs a bill that a majority of people want, President Bernie Sanders will be in their state, talking to the people, rallying them to exert overwhelming pressure on this Senator. They will be facing plummeting support and mass protests: a reminder of how useless they are as a politician and how much of a piece of sh** they are as a person for getting in the way of people's needs. There shall be consequences for not representing the will of the people.
Watch this Bernie interview with Chris Matthews, who unwittingly admits that big money groups are getting in the way of progress. You will sense the young crowd start feeling the Bern. This is how we win: by making people realize that change never happens from the top on down. It always happens from the bottom up. It happens when millions of people stand up and demand it.

Party Unity

The most revealing part of the last Democratic debate was the question of whether the person with the most delegates/votes should win the nomination. For a party that calls itself "Democratic", the answer should be a resounding yes. But only Bernie Sanders agreed that the will of the people should prevail. Everyone else allowed for the possibility of superdelegates stealing the nomination.
With the number of candidates in the field, it seems quite likely that there will be no one with a majority of the delegates, and extremely likely that Bernie will have the plurality. And the rest of the Democratic candidates have pretty much telegraphed their intentions. This is why we must do everything we can to secure an outright majority of delegates, and we can only do that by winning in an overwhelming fashion.
We must encourage as many people as possible to participate in the democratic process and have their voices be heard. The youth vote will be key to our success.
If you look at the entrance polls of the landslide victory in Nevada, you'll see that an outright majority of people between 18 and 45 voted for Bernie. The youth, literally the future of the party, already stands behind Bernie. What else could be more convincing?
So you know what to do. Get out there and convince everyone you can find to vote. No messing around. Do not let the boomers dictate your future once again.
Am I being divisive? Why am I disparaging boomers while discussing party unity? Because the 65+ age group is the only age group Bernie didn't win (he got the plurality of voters between 45 and 65, so he still won them). If we're gonna talk about unity, we need to address those who refuse to unite.
Older folks lived a relatively privileged life with affordable education, fair wages, cheap housing, great social mobility, and secure safety nets. They were very lucky and I'm happy for them. But that has caused many of them to become quite detached from the problems facing the younger folks and now they continue to try and impose their will on you. They won't be around to experience the full brunt of the climate crisis. There is only one candidate whom we can rely on to not accept bribes from the fossil fuel companies. If for that reason alone, I hope they come around and vote for what's best for everyone.
Come mothers and fathers throughout the land
And don't criticize what you can't understand
Your sons and your daughters are beyond your command
Your old road is rapidly agin'
Please get out of the new one if you can't lend your hand
For the times, they are a-changin'

American Unity

Bernie is the unity candidate, having won a wide array of demographics in the three early states, especially Nevada. He won with whites, latinos, people below 65, college-educated, no college, men, women, union, non-union, very liberal, moderates, democrats, independents, first time voters -- nearly every demographic. (Notably, he was second for black people, but we can still change that.)
He has more donations and contributors than any candidate ever (no billionaires!) and has by far the most enthusiastic voter base. Higher turnout is guaranteed if he becomes the nominee.
He has a decisive lead (+18) against Trump with independents in the Reuters head to head poll -- the largest among Democratic candidates. Note that Independents usually decide elections. They are a bigger group (45% of voters) than either Democrats or Republicans (each at about 27%). D's and R's cancel each other out. So if there's an argument for Bernie's electability, it is this.
Even Republicans like Bernie. If anyone's going to take their votes from Trump, it's him.
The reason for his appeal across the political spectrum is that he understands the struggles of the working class -- he has been fighting for them his entire life. He understands that Americans have more in common with each other than the media often portrays. He understands that the elites are very happy to divide the people up so they constantly vote against their own interests.
Bernie brings a message of unity and solidarity, not division and hatred. He is the opposite of Trump, who is the President of the Republicans at this point. Bernie will be able to bridge the divide and polarization that this administration has inflicted.
The world is watching, America. It might not be an exaggeration to say that this is the most consequential election of all time. Show us why you are the world's greatest democracy.
submitted by endthiskakistocracy to SandersForPresident [link] [comments]

A Cliff Notes Summary of the First One Out Interviews

If you haven't had time to listen to seven hours of podcast interviews, or you didn't retain everything you heard, here are some key points. I didn't think to do this until just now, so I'll be posting it as a work in progress and updating it throughout the afternoon. That way more people will have a chance to read up before the premiere.
Karishma Patel, 37, Personal Injury Trial Lawyer, Houston, TX -First generation Indian-American Her mom was as a legal assistant, and got her a filing job at her law firm when she was 14. "I didn't have other options. I was basically told I was going to be a lawyer and I didn't disagree."She has watched every season and regularly listens to RHAP. She sits close to the TV to study the inflections on people's faces when something is said to them, so that she can think about what that means. But, her parents and husband don't share her enthusiasm for the show. Asked if it's her dark pleasure she says, "It is completely bright. It is a beautiful pleasure of mine, but it is mine and mine only. I haven't been able to find people to share it with." -Doing the show has caused her conflict. "Not only is it not expected, it's not allowed. It's kind of like being a disobedient Indian girl. You're not supposed to be doing this. What you're supposed to be doing is having babies. But I don't care. I'm a risk taker. I'm here to prove to myself that I don't need to listen to anybody else. I don't need permission from anybody else. This is my journey and I'm going to take it. I hope that people watching out there can see that an Indian woman's value does not come from doing what she's told." -She doesn't currently have children, and she says she has some decisions to make as she enters a crossroads and the next stage of her life. -Her law firm told her they'll replace her if they're able to find someone, and she can have her job back if they don't. "I didn't flinch." -Her strategy is to be non-threatening and play a social game. She doesn't look 37, and she wants to use that youthfulness to be disarming. She wants to build relationships other people believe in. She defines success by other people vouching for her loyalty when they go off and have private conversations with one another. "That means I got 'em, because it's actually the other way around." Asked if she wants to find someone she can trust, "I'm not going to be capable of it. I'm too skeptical for that. I overthink things, so I'm not going to be able to trust somebody the way I want to be trusted... If I do, that's the end of my game."
My take: Oh my God. Poor Karishma. Her story hurts my heart. She reminds me so much of myself in her isolation, her defiance and her deep feelings. I worry that her fear of trusting people could get in the way of her forming genuine bonds. But, there's nothing she can do. Society has made her the way she is. I hope she gets a lot of screen time so she can be a star of her favorite show.
Missy Byrd, 24, Military Veteran/App Developer, Tacoma, Washington -Originally from Georgia. Her family was 'decently poor.' She played basketball for the Air Force Academy because she thought it was her ticket out. -She had a brain tumor. She stopped menstruating for a year and two quarters. "I'm not dating anyone but I have breast milk. I'm a literal cow... I would look down and my shirt would be wet, and I thought, 'Dang you're clumsy. I knew you were clumsy, but you're clumsier today than you were yesterday. But it was - it was - uhh - milk." She had crying fits. She developed a stutter and couldn't look at people. Doctors told her she was just stressed. When her dad died she couldn't process emotions normally. She was about to go to the French version of the Air Force Academy, École de l'air, after graduation but because of her mental instability she was removed from school. The military shipped her to the same Air Force base as Sandra (Fort Lewis.) "I don't want to be there. Super sad. Check into the post office - fuck this. Check into the dorms - hate that." The doctor there found the tumor. She got an MRI and all weekend she believed she might have cancer. Over the next year and a half she eliminated the tumor and the symptoms using vitamins. She enlisted and worked logistics. -She made a list of the things she wanted to do now that she was going to live. "The first thing was go see Beyonce. Beyonce costs way too much money for a normal person to go see, but if you've just almost had a near death experience you go see Beyonce, bro!" She was feet away. She drove across the country. She tried weed. -She had an idea for an app, but didn't even have the computer literacy to use social media. She found a veteran's association and asked if she could intern. "They said, 'No, you should build this out yourself. We want to work for you.' I said, 'No, the fuck you don't. Okay, lemme call my grandma.'" She wrote a grant proposal and won a $1,500 office space in the center of Seattle. "Just to do whatever I want. It was like a laboratory for a child. I had Play-Dough up there. I had a white board... Just mind blowing shit when I could have been dead." -She'd seen every episode of Survivor at least three times. She started watching because her Air Force Academy basketball team was getting decimated, and she related to Foa Foa getting decimated in Survivor: Samoa. She added the show to her list. Josh suggests, "The bugs are eating you because they want some of that magic." -She isn't going to tell people her story until she's in the Final 3. "That's that Final 3 magic." She doesn't want to overly rely on strategy. She doesn't want to win individual challenges. She to build a social game and find ways to relate to everyone.
My take: She's so full of exuberance. There's not a negative bone in her body right now. She's too young and her life experience is too necessarily limited to talk around three years of her life. If she shares her story, the beauty of her perspective will cause everyone to fall in love with her and want her to do well. If she doesn't, people will sense that she's hiding a lot. I think she'll figure that out and course correct within the first day. Since she was at the same Air Force base as Sandra and she was a massive fan, does that suggest she knows her?

Ronnie Bardah, 35, Professional Poker Player, Henderson, Nevada-Born and raised in Brockton, Massachusetts, 20 minutes south of Boston. They were the only Israeli family in town. 50% of the people in Brockton were from Cape Verde, and he considers himself an "honorary Cape Verdian." A couple of his friends were shot and killed at a young age. -He was a good kid and had a good heart, but he was always hustling. In Junior High he was flipping Oatmeal Cakes and Fudge Rounds for a profit. Slinging baseball cards. Both his parents gambled. They were always at the dog tracks or Mohegan Sun. He had his friend make him a fake ID and got stuck with the name Alaja Jones. He went by Al and started playing the casinos. Quit his job at Sears Automotive to play poker full time.-He played Atlantic City, Vegas, then internationally. He had his first big score in 2010 when he took 24th place in the main event for $320,000. Got to keep $150,000 after taxes. "Poker's a hard way to make an easy living. Lots of people try. We risk every day. You have to get to a point when you can manage your bankroll and I've never gone broke in the 16 years I've played." -In one of the most viewed poker hands of all time, he was bluffed out of a million dollar pot by a supermodel on a poker TV show filmed in Monaco. "She made a sick play. She had no idea what she was doing but all the stars were aligned."-He watched Borneo when it aired and got back into it when fellow poker player Anna Khait was on. He calls Jean-Robert, "kinda a lazy guy...He's really good at befriending multi-millionaires." "Anna Khait... is probably the least poker player out of all of us. She played for a couple years." "And then Garrett - He's a very, very smart, smart kid... Self-made millionaire. One of the very, very few." -He only drank water for 7.5 days and lost 25 pounds for his health and to get an idea of the conditions of the show. He thinks he'll thrive in the survival situation. "People like being around me. I like to fucking bust balls and joke." He thinks old school alliances are a good plan, but you have to adapt. He says that like in poker, Survivor players can have every advantage, but they have to really smell it. -He wants Vince out. "There's an Asian Zeke in there. What value does he bring besides ruining people and getting in people's heads? He's a liability in challenges. He looks like a little corn puff. We gotta get him outta here. Sorry to sound so mean but it's the truth."
My take: Ruuuuude. He has no way of knowing how other people on the cast are talking in their interviews, and may assume the trash talk is standard. If he were playing on some seasons it would be. But, in this particular season it sets him apart in an unflattering way, and it seems a part of the tough persona he's built up to escape a scary situation growing up and enter a fantasy career. We'll see whether his tribe thinks he's a straight talking character or a jerk.

Tom Laidlaw, Former NHL Player, Brampton, Ontario, Canada -He was with the New York Rangers for 7 years and the LA Kings for 4. Now he has his own podcast, True Grit Life ( Does it with a friend, Kevin Allen, who writes for USA Today. Does motivational speaking. -Growing up on a dairy farm outside Toronto there was a pond to water the cows. It froze over in the winters and he'd play hockey because there wasn't much else to do. Went to Northern Michigan University - four year hockey captain, ranked #1 team in the country. Drafted as a 20 year old. "My buddy had a horse farm. We were cleaning horse shit out of the stalls. There were no cell phones back then. This is 1978. My father got a call at our farm house from the New York Rangers at the draft. Back then nobody went to the draft - it was just teams. They said I'd been drafted in the sixth round. He calls the farm house where I'm working. They bring me up. He says, 'Son, you've been drafted by the Rangers.' I said, 'Great. What do I do now?' He says, 'Finish cleaning the shit out of the stalls.'" -When he played intimidation and fighting was strategy. There were guys tougher than him, but he could fight and he could also play. Problem was, he fought a guy once, and from then on the guy wanted to fight him over and over. -Jerry Bruckheimer, big hockey fan, called the NHL and wanted to get some players on the Amazing Race. Tom had kept himself in shape, he had his passport. They ended up asking him about Survivor. He'd watched it before but not for a while. He wasn't so sure he wanted to play a game where you hurt other people, but friends helped him get his head around it. He was very impressed by Christian's toughness in the endurance challenge. To prepare for the show he studied how he reacted to different situations, how to control his heart heart, etc. He wants the mental challenge.
My take: Tom really ticked me off when he spoiled a couple of outcomes of this season. That's a betrayal of the producers, his cast and the viewers. But, if that hadn't happened I would like him. He's an easy-going, charming guy. His life experiences are a bit different than anyone else who's been on the show, which is what you want.
Vince Moua, 27, Admissions Counselor, Merced, CA -His family is Hmong. His parents lived in Vietnam in the destruction left by the war - dead bodies, guns, people who wanted to kill them. They went to refugee camps in Thailand. Then his dad became a Montana farm hand. He met Vince's mom in the US, but she came from the same place. -Vince is from small town Merced, California - the 209. Few people he knew went anywhere but the UC system and community college. He went to Stanford, one of only 7-10 Hmong. He realized the significance someone can bring to people from the same community. He tried to be pre-med but realized "no, not today." The issues of access he cared about came well before people got to the hospital. He ended up going with education. His mom was a teacher, "But when I was growing up she said, 'Yo, if you become a teacher Imma disown yo ass.' To all of us. But, that's always kinda been my jam." -He lived in South Korea for five years. He taught English in a town. Then in Seoul ahed worked with low and middle income students who wanted to study outside of Korea. -He's a Survivor superfan, who even mentions on his Tinder account that he plans to be on Survivor. His parents were worried about him doing TV because he's not out as gay to his extended family. He comes from a clan where his dad is the "top dog" and Vince is "the next top dog." In the Asian American/Pacific Islander community when you come out, it's your family who faces - in a sense - dishonor. For a long time he distanced himself from his family, hoping they'd all be less hurt if they found out and disowned him. He always tried to find friends who would be there for him should his parents not be. A year ago his mom asked him rhetorically if he was gay. "I was try'n to go around it. I was like, 'Gurl, you don't wanna know! Yo ass keeps asking!' But she kept asking, asking. So finally I told her 'Yeah, I am!' and she was crying. My dad was like, 'Oh, my son!'" But, Vince is fine with who he is and wants to show kids like him that "let's hope that it gets better." Now his parents just want him to win. -He'd like to play an old school strategy but "I'm not afraid to cut a bitch." With the tribe he's going to be Homeboy Vince from the 209, but when he talks to the camera he's going to tell people "Don't underestimate your narratives." This past year with Crazy Rich Asians, he wants people to know that there are some Crazy Hood Ass Asians.
My take: What a character. Vince has a clear point of view - Hmong, blue collar, gay - which is unique to him in Survivor lore. Even though double minorities have sometimes had trouble fitting in socially on Survivor I think somehow he's going to pull it off. As unlikely as this sounds I could even see him being a Cochran-esque winner.
Aaron Meredith, 36, Personal Trainer, Warwick, Rhode Island -He's very keyed up at Ponderosa. Rambling so fast it sounds like you're listening to 1.5x. He's read four books so far - Relentless by Tim Grover, Can't Hurt Me by Dave Goggins, Iron Cowboy by James Lawrence, Harry Potter. -He was an engineer at a building insulation plant. He was miserable, too antsy sitting at a desk. Couldn't focus. So, he drove up and down the East Coast popping kettle corn - from Maine to Florida - traveling with carnies. Bartended for a while. He'd played college football and baseball, lifted since high school, and he and his friends wanted to get "huge and jacked and ripped." The owner of the gym suggested he become a personal trainer. He ended up working mostly with middle aged women and it taught him empathy. Now he owns two women's-only fitness studios. He puts supportive women around one another and offers them the positivity to seek self-growth. -He's also a party boat emcee. Lights, DJ, bar, drinks. He's an extremely social person. -He'd first applied at 23 - 6 or 7 times over the years. He was in the mix for Cook Islands and David vs. Goliath. -He's been married 7 years and has a 5 year old son. His son is a huge fan of Survivor. Libby Vincek is his favorite player. Kara Kay was his next favorite. Aaron is already sure Molly will be his son's favorite. "He has a type. He He likes the attractive blondes. He says, 'I like them because they have a nice face.' I like mommy because she has a nice face too." The boy was very concerned about his dad going on the show. He said, "Dad, I don't want anyone to laugh at you and make fun of you." Aaron said he wanted to win. His son said, "But you might not win." When they watch the show he'll always ask, "Do they like him? Do they like her?" If Aaron is portrayed in a negative light he'll have to sit down with his son and talk. He doesn't want to play a deceitful game, but he will, because he doesn't care how he's portrayed.
My take: His story about his son is one of my favorites from all these interviews. I hope he gets to work with Molly. His adrenaline is too high. I hope he calms down a lot when the game starts. But, someone so social and sweet hearted who can win challenges and take themselves to the end has got to be a contender to win.
Chelsea Walker, 27, Digital Content Editor, Los Angeles, CA -Chelsea just took the cast photo and they put her in the third spot from the bottom, a good omen because a weird number of winners have been in that position. "Your girl's number three. I got this!" -She's a Jersey girl. She went to the University of Maryland. "I didn't do Survivor: Maryland or anything." She studied Broadcast Journalism. She knew the generic emails for NBC Universal and emailed random people until someone replied. Now she's been in LA a year. She did coverage of award shows. Now she works at IMDB, where she helps Kevin Smith with his show. She just interviewed people at SXSW. -She's been watching Survivor since she was 8. She's cried in every interview because this means so much to her. She's trying to explain that at the point she starts crying again. "It's been such a dream of mine and To be told no year after year after year - these past six years have been a total mindfuck. I've basically been called every single year. I've been to finals three times. Survivor is my one true love, but the one year they didn't call me I got really pissed off so I tried out for Big Brother. I ended up becoming the alternate and got my key being filmed and all of that crap. But I don't like that show anyway." -In September 2017 she was at a WeHo bar for her friend's birthday when, "Oh shit that's Jeff Probst." Her girlfriends all know she's obsessed, so she pulled the waiter over and asked what that guy was drinking. So, Chelsea sent another one over. "I told my friends, 'Take my credit card. Split the bill, because I can't come back after I do this. As soon as the waiter drops off the drink I'm like, 'Jeff, this one's on me. You can buy me the next one at finals.' And I just walked out of the restaurant... That was a big move!" They didn't call her again that year, but Jeff still remembered when they talked this year. -She's been working out at four different gyms - weights, pilates, yoga. Push ups. Memorized puzzles. Reading How to Win Friends and Influence People, which she keeps in.a Bible sleeve so people will think she's religious. She also carries Harry Potter because she would trust someone who read HP. She wants to keep it cool. Make one on one connections. Eventually find idols - and not tell anyone she has one - and make calculated moves. "I don't want to be a Jacob. No offense."
My take: Hearing this girl cry from joy because she's so happy to be on the show makes me emotional. She's a real go getter. I wish I were that damn fearless. Truly, I wish I were more like her. I hope her pure zest for life comes across on TV and she doesn't get stuck with a purple edit just because of her age and gender. I also hope no one decides to get threatened by her as a competitive girl and vote her off premerge. I think she'll go far. Hope so.
Dean Kowalski, 28, Account Executive, New York, New York -Referring to himself in the third person, "Dean is 28 years old. As we mentioned, he lives in New York and he prides himself on being a well rounded person when it comes to interests, abilities, personalities... If I'm listening to Drake and Lil Wayne, I gotta go home and cry to This Is Us.. I can play basketball but also think about our place in the universe." He likes to tag basketball courts with a peace symbol with a ball on it which he makes using a stencil. -He structures most of his interview with Josh around an Outwit, Outplay, Outlast format, explaining why he excels at each. -He grew up in an affluent suburb. His dream was to play in the NBA. He was 5"9 3/4, so he set his eyes on college basketball as a realistic alternative. In order to get looks from colleges he went to a school 30 minutes away - top five in the country, Nike would fly them around for games and give them free Jordan sneakers. He was one of only 4 white guys in the whole school and the only one on the team. He played with Kyrie Irving, the #1 overall draft pick. "My friend said you look like the Make a Wish Kid who just wants to be on the team for a day." He played at Colombia University, where he was co-captain his senior year despite averaging two minutes a game. He became a teacher, then did sales for a tech startup in New York. He now sells ads for Google. -He's a fan, but far from a superfan. He started watching Brenda's season. (He thinks it was Nicaragua, but it was actually Carmoan.) He works with a superfan who freaked out when they had a meeting at H&R Block with Carolyn Rivera and they went out to Bourbon Street with her. He kept watching for five years and thought he could do well. He hates when people are all talk, so he sent in a tape. For the video he interviewed random strangers on the street, who had never met him or seen the show, and asked them, "Why am I going to win it?" A barber, a construction worker. He's going to tell people he's in marketing, not sales - people have sales.
My take: I'm just not that into him.
Elaine Stott, 41, Factory Worker, Rockholds, NY -When Josh asks her not to touch the table she asks him, "You seen that Bart Simpson commercial, right? Don't touch my Butterfinger? I'm already hungry thinking about it." -"I had a pretty rough way to go growing up." Her single dad raised her and her three brothers. She was the youngest. "I was raised like one of the boys. Know what I mean? Daddy didn't know how to raise no little girl." He worked 16-17 hour days. The kids raised themselves. "When little children make their own decisions, they make poor ones." She was a hellion. -She's originally from Woodbine, Kentucky, Nick Wilson's hometown. Her god sister went to school with him and she knows him through the grapevine. "We rode on different sides of the track. 20 years ago he coulda been my lawyer, because I was on the other side of the law. I'm not bad. I've just done some things." Public intoxication several times. "I come from a dry county. It's like Footloose. We cross the state line to get a beer and when you come back you're in trouble." She stole a newspaper stand once and had to do community service. "I was a little bit mean." -She went to live with her grandpa and cleaned her act up, by which she means that she started smoking a little weed and playing sports - basketball, softball, track. She played softball and judo in college. "I couldn't do nothing real technical. We had Brazilians on the team who could do flying arm bars. But if I got these claws on you and got ya on the ground I'd waller you to death." In casting she put this guy Will in an armbar. She was gonna choke him but didn't know if she should. -When she graduated, her girlfriend was a college Freshman so she went to all the same parties and ballgames for four years. Then she realized she needed a job. Now she drives a Ford truck for a factory. She's been there 15 years. She works 12 hours, 7 days a week. -Growing up her mom "was always in my life in some sense. She'd never miss a birthday. She'd be homeless, but she'd still call." Elaine and her brothers bought her cars, and places to live, and got her jobs. "In a sense I've been mourning the loss of my mom my whole life." Once Elaine was homeless herself and there was snow on the ground. It was cold, and her teacher took her in. Gave her Christmas presents. Made her go to prom. Survivor was a thing they shared, and the teacher was gonna be Elaine's loved one. But within a one year period the woman lost her daughter, her husband, her dog and then had a stroke. Now "she walks like Frankenstein" and can't go. Elaine got Probst to talk to her, and she can't wait to watch. In October Elaine's biological mom went into a coma. She was on life support, but Elaine wouldn't unplug her. Her mom came out of it and seemed to be doing a lot better only to die very suddenly of a heart attack. -Her girlfriend and her girlfriend's two sons are gonna be watching. The 18 year old doesn't know because he can't keep a secret. The 13 year old helped her lose 20 pounds doing crossfit to come out here. She wants the money, but she really wants "some of that soul searching, that life adventure, that life changing - some of that. You know what I mean? Gimme some of that soup! Lemme eat some of that up! I want this show to build me up, because I feel like it can. I sure hope to hell it don't tear me down."
My take: About 12 sobbing emojis in a row. She's my favorite. If she gets voted out premerge I'm going to go into mourning. And how can you not sort of expect that? I am going to be so upset if they just dismiss her because she's older and looks out of shape and sounds country. If that happens, I want another Second Chance season next year.
Elizabeth Biesel, 26, Olympic swimmer, South Kingstown, Rhode Island -Josh says that Elizabeth was outright identified by one of the other contestants because they'd been watching YouTube videos about how to be a better swimmer. Others guessed she was an Olympian based on her rings tattoo. -She's from the Ocean State. They lived a block away from the beach, so they wanted her to take swimming lessons. She was a rambunctious child and swimming was the only way they could calm her energy. She started breaking records when she was 7 or 8. When she was 13 she made her first national team. At 15 she went to the Olympics. She got good early. Women peak around 22-23, and she ended her career at 24. You couldn't make much money doing it. She swam one of the longer, more grueling races, and her body said "no more." She listened to her body and retired. Some athletes lose their love for swimming because they're embittered by losing by 1/100th of a second, or they leave injured. She left on a good note. Still, if she could swim competitively for the rest of her life, she would. Now she doesn't know who she is or what she's going to do with the rest of her life. Every hour of the day used to have a purpose. Now her days are wide open. She can't keep eating 5,000 calories a day. "It's sort of like I'm mourning the death of Elizabeth Biesel the swimmer." -She was a Survivor fan as a kid because Richard Hatch was from Rhode Island. In her area "Every single household that had a television set was watching Survivor." When they asked her if she'd do the show, she felt pure joy. She said absolutely right away. She's excited about the competition of Survivor. No heated Olympic pools. You're stripped down to your core. She's amazed by the scope of the production apparatus. She's not a schemer. She wants to be a challenge beast - not the best woman but the best overall. She'd love to have a Wendell and Dom relationship with another woman. But, she wants to avoid the drama as long as she can.
My take: Could Chelsea be Wendell to her Dom? She's so wholesome. She's just so "Olympics." I love her and everything she represents. I'd love to see her rocket through the swimming competitions, lapping everyone else. Go Elizabeth.
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The legal gambling age in Nevada is set at 21 years old. So long as you are 21, you are free to gamble in Nevada in retail locations and online. Underage gambling is not allowed and that will get you removed from the casino floor and in online venues, you will lose access to your account and any winnings you may have accumulated. The legal Nevada gambling age is 21. If you want to play in a land-based casino resort or at an online sportsbook or poker site, you will need to provide ID to verify that you are at least 21 years of age. Penalties for underage gambling in NV include fines and up to 6 months in prison. The legal age in Nevada has been 21 ever since the state legalized gambling in 1931. Legal gambling age in NV is 21, and although some places ID more than others, they all ID. Even if you're not playing, persons under that age are not allowed to just "hang out" or watch others play. IDs are checked upon entering to ensure that patrons are the correct age to be on the gambling floor. With online gambling, the age range is 21. Many lawmakers across the US have brought up that the legal age limit for online lottery games is 18 and yet for online casino games it is 21. Most gambling-related matters are covered by Nevada Revised Statutes 463.010 et seq. The minimum gambling age in Nevada is 21. People below 21 aren’t allowed to enter casinos, even when accompanied by an adult. Online Gambling in Nevada Online Gambling Age For Nevada Residents Nevada's gambling regulations have made it so gamblers cannot begin playing legally before their 21st birthdays. If you are going to gamble online, you will have to wait until you are at least 21 years of age, with no exceptions to speak of. All of Nevada’s forms of gambling require participants to be at least twenty-one years old. Bills which have been submitted to the NV legislature regarding lowering the gambling age from 21 to 18 have all been dead on arrival. Many lawmakers, gambling organizations, and casino owners are against changing the minimum age. In some of the states nearby Nevada, the legal gambling age is lower. For instance, in Idaho, the legal gambling age is 18 for casinos, poker rooms, lottery and Bingo. The same is the situation in Oklahoma, with the difference that you are allowed to play bingo games if you are 16 years of age or older. And in the sunny state of California, the legal gambling age for casinos vary between 18 and 21 depending on certain conditions. At the same time, if you are in California and you have 18 The legal gambling age in the United States varies depending on the state and the activity you want to gamble on. Usually, this is either 18 or 21, in most states in the U.S. and certainly in Nevada. The gambling age in Vegas is 21 for all available activities, including casinos, poker, and pari-mutuel betting. We have put together a table you can use to reference the gambling age by state in the USA.

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