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CS:GO casino/scam websites sponsoring YouTubers.

Why do so many CS YouTubers get sponsorship deals with those casino websites that are often (most of the time) scams? There are so many of those websites, and I feel like every video is sponsored by one of them. I don't know where those websites make the money, because I assume they pay the YouTubers pretty good amounts of money since it can be bad for your public image to promote a casino/gambling/scam website. Any thoughts?
submitted by TheEmperorBaron to csgo [link] [comments]

The real silver end game from a GenX perspective

Corrections at bottom
I'm a retarded GenXer who YOLO'd junior silver miner OTM call options in 2011 and lost a truckload of cash. But I kept my phyzz until a freak boating accident sunk it all. Oh well, this isn't financial advice, I'm a proven idiot, and nobody should listen to me.
I've learned a lot about the silver markets charlatans since then. Mike Maloney is a forever pumper. Peter Schiff is a suit and shill. Doug Casey lives on a ranch in Argentina but has his head far up his ass. Since you retards love to lose it all, go listen to those guys. But there are some very serious voices in the precious metals market that have proven the fraud and manipulation and even come up with ways around it: Ted Butler (commodity analysis), Eric Sprott (creator of $PSLV), James Dines (legendary newsletter writer), and James Turk (creator of
Silver is the biggest opportunity for profit that the general public could broadly participate in. If the price of silver goes up, the miners will see amplified gains. Juniors would explode into the alpha centuri (13,000% gains or more, easily). The reason we know this is because it's been tried before by people smarter than any of us (Hunt Brothers 1980, Buffet's 1997-2006 silver purchase, and 2010 mini-squeeze-beatdown). Even that lucky commie bastard Max Keiser tried to rally enough retards together to squeeze silver and "crash JPMorgan" before he got rich off bitcoin. {If you can't read, there is a video breakdown: search "youtube Is a WallStreetBets Silver Squeeze Possible" for a pretty good historical overview}
The forces at play in the precious metals market are global, historical, and backed by the biggest banks, not some meaningless hedgefund. It's the real deal. American's money used to be backed in bi-metallic standard, all coinage had some precious metals (pre 1964 dimes, silver dollars/half dollars and paper currency all convertible to silver or gold). All real silverbugs ultimate goal is to return to a bi-metalic backed US currency. It's a big part of the precious metals folklore, and the fact that the last straw that sealed President Kennedy's fate was signing Executive Order 11110 which would have returned the US to a silver standard. This would have restored faith in our financial system, eliminate the scourge of inflation, balanced the value of labor versus financial assets, and allow regular workers to save instead of being forced to participate in a ridiculous casino just to have a retirement.
Attention CNBC media whores reading this: who is the villain of this story? Blythe Masters. Check her out, she's actually pretty hot. {search: "Blythe Masters wants to upend finance again twitter bloomberg"} And she is a goddamn evil mastermind that created the Credit Default Swap (CDS). Yes, she created the financial weapon of mass destruction that sunk the global economy in 2008, she is first author on the paper. Then she went on to lead the JP Morgan precious metals trading desk to unwind Bear Sterns silver short book by containing any rally (that's how I lost all my money). Now she is working on blockchain technology that can be used by the banking cartels as a weapon to further enslave the entire world. And, yes, you degenerates, she has a sexy British accent and a killer set of legs. {search "egonzehnder blythe masters shares career advice daughters 2019"}
Steven Cohen is a fucking worm to Blythe Masters. Any financial instrument like SLV would be manipulated easily by her and the ilk that inherited her positions at JPMorgan and other bullion banks. There is only 1 way to perform a real silver squeeze: physical ownership (not paper ownership like SLV, there is a big difference). The commodity futures markets is called the COMEX. The COMEX has about a 250 contracts trade for every 1 ounce of actual silver available for delivery. That means if a handful of commodity traders stand for delivery and the physical delivery can't be made it will crash the COMEX. Sure, they might be forced to settle for cash like the Hunt brothers, but it will crash the COMEX and the price will soar nonetheless. It's a real thing, people have done it, there is no stopping that it will happen again. And what happens historically is a giant leap for junior miners: Copper Lake in 1980 jumped 13,000%. The average silver junior miner lept over 2,300%). It was soo easy to make money, even an ape could do it.
So, how do we avoid the manipulation?
  1. $SLV is a scam! SLV's custodian is JP Morgan, the vampire squid sucking on the face of humanity! Don't fall for it. They can never be trusted. Most silverbugs don't even believe they have any silver or gold in their ETFs of any significant amounts, otherwise there would be outside audits which don't happen. Anybody suggesting to use SLV is a pumper, paid shill, or doesn't know the history. And yes, now that JPMorgan has paid almost a Billion dollar fine for manipulating the silver market, they are long silver or at least are holding it as custodian for other players. So if silver goes up will JPMorgan win...yeah maybe. But that's not the point, you'd win, I'd win, the people of the world win.
2. $PSLV is not an appropriate vehicle. PSLV is a closed end fund. Eric Sprott is not going to buy any more silver and issue any more shares. Premium to NAV went over 20% and he didn't do it. PSLV serves a purpose (tax savings), but they don't acquire on commodity exchanges unless a big player takes delivery. If you actually have enough money to take delivery 10,000 oz - then PSLV works.
So what to really do: Buy PSLV or physical For the paranoid, you can create an account on, put money into silver and it is owned by you, stored in Switzerland and registered in the Island of Jersey (for the most part outside of financial oligarchy control). You have to fill out a form on your taxes each year but buying/selling stonks have the same requirement, just a different form. Again, NOT financial advice - I'm a proven town idiot and hold no credentials no should you listen to me. was created by James Turk, exactly for this purpose. So people can own phyzz without having to hide a 1000lb safe in your wife's boyfriend's basement or sink your phyzz into a pond. And also he set it up outside of the US so if the US government seized physical (like 1934!), his customers would have some chance at taking physical delivery in Switzerland. I wholeheartedly believed that the crash of 2008 would lead to this eventual outcome if silver went really high and it almost did at $50, at $100 the champagne corks stop poppin.
So then what went happened in 2011? Blythe Masters happened. JP Morgan and the other bullion banks beat down the precious metals market in a coordinated attack of naked short selling. Punishing beat downs, if you're into that kinda thing!
The silver spike of 2010/11 happened because some silverbugs bought physical metals and there were shortages at the retail level, just like what has started today. In all honesty, there were probably 10,000 Silverbugs in existence at that time all acting as lone actors on a handful of forums. This time could be much different, if a lot of apes bought silver and the intermediaries held for delivery on the COMEX this could break the back of the silver cartel and Lord Rothschild would roll over in his grave. And silver junior miners would skyrocket!
I love silver, what will I buy? 90-100% into some other form of physical ownership (coins/or $PSLV is also an acceptable vehicle but doesn't squeeze LBMA/COMEX supplies {search: "sprott physical silver trust December 2020 fact sheet"}. And 0-10% into long-dated calls or shares of junior minors. Some pumper was saying $AG (First Majestic). Sure maybe, or just use $SILJ a basket of silver juniors that would all explode and give you less single company risk to enjoy the rally. Get your popcorn.
And those boomers, will they help buy silver? Don't count on it, but that's a different type of rant.
Buy either physical silver, $PSLV, or and also a little bit of silver miners to amplify gainz. Blythe Masters is a demon. Break the COMEX. Restore our heritage of sound money.
Corrections: PSLV has registered to issue $1.5billion more shares. That’s a lot of shiny silver. See the link in the comments below. It’s looks like PSLV will be retails best bet to apply pressure on the physical market. And if bullion dealers become stocked out, and PSLV stands for delivery, this strategy would work.
submitted by GoodTimesSdCpl to Wallstreetsilver [link] [comments]


Alright Kids.
I’m 31 years old, and I look back on the last 11-13 years and wanted to share some financial advice, advice I wish I received from my parents or teachers when I was in high school. This is a little letter to my teenage self, and I think you will all find a lot of great ideas.
I look back and realized if someone would had told me the following, my life would be very different. I have been very successful throughout my life but was never taught how to invest money.
Investing is not for old people, it’s not for people in their 30’s and 40’s. It’s for you, on your 18th birthday.
When you turn 18, you are legally able to invest money for your future. On your 18th birthday, you should be opening an investment account.
For example, let’s pretend it was 5 years ago. On your 18th birthday, you had $1000 dollars saved. Let’s say you bought the following stocks, with your $1000 evenly across them (these are all examples that are high growth areas that I have looked at and invested into).
-CrowdStrike (Cybersecurity used by big companies)
-AMD (Computer parts)
-NVIDIA (Computer parts)
-Okta (Security for big businesses)
-Trade Desk
-Zynga (Digital Games company)
If you put $1000 dollars across all these shares evenly, and then put in 10 dollars a month by year 5 you would be sitting on $73,000. By year 7 you would be sitting on almost $400,000. By year 10 it would be worth $4.84 million dollars. This is all based on 5 years of past market data.
All up you would have invested $2190, and in return in a decade if you kept investing every month that 10 dollars, and never touched the original $1000, you would be worth almost 5 million dollars. Imagine being 30 years old and having $5 million to then be able to invest responsibly even further… you would be able to work part time in a job you loved and didn’t hate, and just enjoy life.
Now the past is NOT an indication of the future – but the point of this exercise is to show you if you are smart and invest in big and emerging companies like Apple, Netflix, Trade Desk, NVIDIA etc, over just a mid-long periods of time you could very well retire in your 30’s and live debt free for the rest of your life
The education system is set up in a way to try and enslave you into work for the rest of your life. Don’t let that happen to you. If you be smart in your 20’s, you will be set for the rest of your life. They want you to slave away in a job that doesn’t pay you well, to retire with benefits that they will eventually take away from you. Don’t let the system do that to you. The dickheads on wall street also make it sound far too complicated and scary for an average person to get involved in. They will throw around terms that you don’t know, and it's all to try and confuse the sh!t out of you. They want to make money, and they want you to work the minimum hour job so that company can keep making huge profits of your misery.
My advice is to read read read. Read and learn how the stock market & shares work in companies. Learn about dividends that companies pay you every month for just investing in their company. Learn about taxes and how it could affect you.
YES – this stuff can be boring to read, and you might not find it very exiting as hours of scrolling on TikTok or Reddit…. But your future self will thank you (and maybe thank me).
Watch an hour of CNBC every week and get to know what they are talking about with financial news. You might find it painfully boring, but really listen. Listen to what they are talking about with trends. Listen to what’s happening in the world of financial markets. Watch the opening bell program at 9:30am Eastern and learn how it works, and what they are talking about. LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN. Take Notes.
Read a website called Motley Fool. Read Market Watch. Read Yahoo Financial.
Watch interview Youtube with Warren Buffet. Listen to what that guy has to say – he has amassed one of the greatest fortunes on earth from simply reading, and understanding how companies work, and investing in the right ones.
DO NOT look at your stocks and shares every single day. There WILL be days you see them go down, but just remember that you are not worried about this, you are looking at years from now. It is scary to see a stock drop 5% on a day and your money vanish. Just remember – it is only a LOSS when you sell. You have not lost a CENT until you press that sell button.
There is a lot of “experts” out there that will try and tell you about this great new stock and its very low and it’s about to explode. These are called penny stocks – go see Wolf of Wall Street to learn more.
These are super risky stocks that will skyrocket only a small percentage of the time. There is SO much money to be made in a 10-year window if you invest in just the safe big companies. Don’t be a schmuck and put 1000’s into a company selling its stocks for $1.98.
Be smart, play it safe and you will increase your odds of that goal of having a million in the bank by a large percentage. Yes it might take an extra 4 or 5 years, but in the grand scheme of things would you rather that then lose all your money to a scam company that goes bankrupt?
There is a thing now called “fractional shares” which means for the big boy stocks like Amazon, you can own just a small percentage of a share. That means you will still get some performance of a single share of amazon, but just on your fraction. If you keep putting your 10 dollars a month evenly across your shares, you will slowly grow your share amounts.
For example. I have .8943 of a stock in Amazon. It is worth 2,264, where a full stock is worth 3,198. I have slowly built this up over the last month and already my investment is up $133 dollars or 6.26%. I have put a little bit of money every day into this stock, and every day it goes towards my goals.
This is an amazing time to be alive for young people & investing. You can put even just a few dollars per week towards a big expensive stock like Amazon, Google etc. – and still earn the same rate of reward as the big-time investors. And you can do it from your phone or computer!
DO NOT USE WALLSTREET AS A CASINO. DO NOT BET IT ALL ON 1 SINGLE STOCK. Spread your money out over 15 -20 stocks. Look at what some of those websites I mentioned are talking about. Read the forecast for the future. Learn what the companies make and do. Think logically – what could this product / industry do in 5-10 years time.
That’s pretty much it guys. I just wanted to really write something that I wish I read when I was 15 -18. I regret not knowing how stocks worked until last year. I regret not being more in-tune with financial news, but I am trying to make up for it now.
Don’t be like me. Start putting that 10 dollars a month, 5 dollars per week, whatever you can afford towards your future by the time you hit 30 – you will be in such a wonderful position.
On a more personal note - since this is kind of like a letter to my self. Things get better. As a kid that was bullied, harassed & tormented through High School... if you put your head down, you just work hard, amazing things can and will happen. Be your beautiful individual self. Don't chase those who don't want you. You will find your place in the world, it just takes some time.
I didn't have much of a future when I was your age, but I found my passion in life and I was able to build a pretty cool life out of it and was able to travel the world and have visited over 90 countries. Keep that chin up, keep smiling, and know that you are loved, cherished, and valued. You have SO much to contribute to the world, and you will. Don't let the bad guys win.
submitted by TheNotoriousEngineer to teenagers [link] [comments]

A list of things I hate in gt :)

- fishing

submitted by Kdjejsosjanreplwwssj to growtopia [link] [comments]

For anyone feeling unlucky with crates, please STOP caring about other players posts getting lucky with crates. Survivorship Bias is real.

Self explanatory title. Yes, some people got insanely lucky. And yes, almlst every hot post in the past week has been about X person winning Y and Z tanks in a few crates.
But no, you should NOT be caring about that. Crates are undeniably, a massive gambling SCAM by WG with their 0.05% drop chance. If you didnt get a tank, thats normal and 100% expected. Dont fall for survivorship bias;
Survivorship bias or survival bias is the logical error of concentrating on the people or things that made it past some selection process and overlooking those that did not, typically because of their lack of visibility. This can lead to false conclusions in several different ways. It is a form of selection bias.
Survivorship bias can lead to overly optimistic beliefs because failures are ignored, such as when companies that no longer exist are excluded from analyses of financial performance. It can also lead to the false belief that the successes in a group have some special property, rather than just coincidence
I'm aware many of you already know this, but reading the posts and angry comments of so many people feeling down they didnt win any tanks is incredibly frustrating to me, since it shows WG has been succesful at scamming people to expect they might win a crate tank if they try hard enough.
A more healthy way of looking at crates is losing the gambling aspect. Not purchasing them, and always opening the ones you get for free not with the expectation of "I hope I get a tank" (since thats as realistic as buying a lottery ticket and hoping you'll win), but instead "I know I wont get anything probably, so Im good with whatever". This way, by setting your expectations as low as possible, you wont be let down. But if you do win something, it will be a nice surprise. This is how I always open free crates and not once have I once been disappointed.
And in a way, it makes me sort of feel it might be worthwhile considering banning posts from the sub related to people winning crate tanks to stop survivorship bias. Can you imagine if YouTube ads were 70% about people winning the lottery and at casinos? That'd be hugely misleading, and cause probably riots by anti gambling advocates. So why should our sub be any different? But this is just a random thought.
Sorry if this post came as extremely negative towards crates. Im not here to shame people that buy them. If you got money to burn and are ok gambling with the astronomically low chance of getting something good, more power to you. Since people who pay are what keeps this game alive for F2P players. I just feel like we, as a community, could be doing more to stop romantiscicing crate tanks and diminishing survivorship bias effects.
Hopefully this post helps some players enjoy the game more.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk
edit: thanks admins for pinning this post, Im glad its helping others.
edit2: Added a few more points for clarification.
submitted by that_90s_guy to WorldOfTanksBlitz [link] [comments]


Posted this OPINION in WALLSTREETBETS but bot mods didn't like me disrupting the ECHO CHAMBER
GME is the REAL fakeout, hence why all the MSM support, Celeb pumping it. After their friends short cover, GME can just issue more shares to you fools and suck up all your hard earned life-saving money to distribute to their banking buddies.
You can only take the MONEY out of WallStreet by buying Physical.
Paper Silver slammed down like tick tock clock work, Physical silver SOLD OUT everywhere like TP.
Physical premiums are 10x normal.
USD is the biggest CON GAME.
Cut your losses with the MANIPULATED game and get something physical they cant control.
Every failing hierarchical oligarchy in history ROSE to power on PMs and their demise was from not being honest aka inflation aka market manipulation = MONEY PRINTING.
Old enough to see national debt go from 10 to 20 to now 30 trillion, not included unfunded liabilities which is like north of 100 trillion. For the rich BOOMER population which squandered this nation's wealth from the World's biggest CREDITOR nation to the WORLD biggest DEBTOR nation, they about the enjoy their life's savings of manipulation and real estate gains on the backs of the indentured Millennials and gen Z.
Greek drachma, Spanish Milled dollar, Deutsche Mark, US dollar -
Article I, Section 10, Clause 1:
No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts*; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.*
CUZ PEOPLE and GOVERNMENTS are lying scamming con-artist like ROBINHOOD taking your taxes to "give to the poor" only to line their own pockets. Taxation without REPRESENTATION IS THEFT AKA THE REVOLUTION AND FOUNDING OF USA. But everyone forgot that shit and everyone has a hand in everyone else pocket from LAWS, regulations, licenses protecting the little guy from free market transactions.
Hard learned lesson in life, but you youngi'ns will learn you've been lied to your whole life about almost everything and almost everything the GOV does is illegal!
Leaving the manipulated market and a return to REAL money is the only way to gain control of your future, otherwise you just stay in the carnival casino system and get milked dry into your old frail age and shoot you up with a new vaccine back by "SCIENCE". BEEP BEEP BING BING CHING CHING keeping you hooked on the next dopamine rush paper number spike on whatever worthless stonk you want is how they make money.
💰 🙌
submitted by um3rella to Wallstreetsilver [link] [comments]

Online Cheating FAQ

Free tools & menus
Although the majority of free menus ARE viruses, scams, detected etc. As far as I know there is 1 decent free menu, decent as in safe to use any paid menu can easily out-class it and can probably crash there game.
The free tools/menu that I would recommend are
Kiddons Modest Menu -
This is the one and only free mod menu out there. Its recovery options and tools are lacking however you can set your own experience level with it. It also has a god mode option and a basic vehicle spawner. You can make a decent amount of cash with this menu by going into Online Services/Casino/Rig Slot Machines and remove the limit. With this play the Egyptian themed slot machine and always bet max. You will win every time and you’ll make around 2.5mil per loop, you can cash out the chips to cash. It’s a slow method but the most effective one with kiddons and it still beats dropping yourself or grinding.
This is a stat editor for GTA 5, it’s only really useful for setting your character stats, unlocking locked items and skipping heist preps. You cannot modify your xp or cash with this although there might be a way to modify your health, which would be pointless as all menus include a god option. This is also free, Its not a menu but I still include it as it is a cheating tool.
GTA 5 Online Mechanics to know for modding
GTA 5 is a P2P, or Peer to Peer game for online. There are two special types of players used for this, Host and Script Host. Hosts will be hosting the lobby and most menus, except for kiddons ofc, have an option to use a host kick that will kick ANY player in the game, regardless of what protections they have enabled. This is basically an UNBLOCKABLE kick, this is why becoming host is so valued, some people will even kick ½ the lobby in order to gain host. As a host your game can still be crashed or kicked by other modders though, it depends on whether or not your menu is good enough to withstand the kick. Some mod menu’s. You then only need to kick one person. After host there is script host, you can take this away from any player WITHOUT kicking them, although kicking them also works, Script host has a stronger kick than normal but it can still be blocked, so even though it’s nice to be script host it isn’t required or even super helpful.
Paid Menus and what they are good at
I’ll be listing menu’s then talking about them and what they have pros/cons at. There isn’t an exact tier-list however as it mainly depends on what you want
Luna – This is the mod menu I personally usually use, its quick to update and has pretty good recovery options, kicks and protections. As far as I know it’s got the best protections from other menu’s as well as kicks/crashes. It’s not the most stable menu however and I’ve noticed that I crash more with it than normal, although not an extremely high amount. It costs $25 and can be got from Not taking sides, menu was either taken down by a C&D or it was an exitscam. There is no proof of a C&D, articles use Luna as source and Luna use Articles as source but there is also no proof of an exitscam as menu was doing pretty well at the time they got rid of it.
Impulse – Impulse has a few tiers, I’m not too familiar with the individual tiers however Impulse is usually known for its good trolling options, last I checked its recovery options were not that good however it’s still a good menu if you’re looking to troll. It can cost $15 - $50 depending on what tier you get. You can get Impulse from
Disturbed – Disturbed is a medium tier menu in my opinion, its not good at crashing other people or protecting against other menu’s however it has great recoveries and it is cheap. It costs around $10-$15. I would not recommend buying Disturbed VIP as your better off getting a different menu. You can get it from
Phantom-X – Phantom-X is also a cheaper menu, It compares to Impulse in the sense that it’s good for trolling and I’ve even seen some people say its better for trolling. However Phantom-X doesn’t seem to be good at that much else. From what I’ve heard its pretty stable. It can be brought from there main website is pretty hard to find and after 30 minutes of searching I could not find it’s official website as I’ve not personally used Phantom-X.
Paragon – Paragon is one of the more expensive menus. It’s very stable and has a pretty nice looking menu in my opinion. I’ve used it for a while during the free weekend and liked it. It used to be known for its great protections but recently it’s been lacking in protections. However it has decent trolling options, more recently it seems like an all-around menu. You can get it from
Ozark – I haven’t tried Ozark much, it’s a cheaper menu but its also in beta. It looks promising and has some unique features. Apparently it has a WIP Lua Injector which is great news for people who are in special groups or know how to code Lua. You can get it from
2Take1 – 2Take1 is usually considered to be the best menu out there, especially if you know Lua as it is the only menu with a working Lua injector. However it is also the most expensive menu and it also partially uses a subscription model, the menu costs $140 to permanently keep and it can be brought from
Menu’s that you should NEVER get
I’ll just list these off without much elaboration as they are usually stolen code, have poor support or are viruses.
Free Youtube/Ebay/Discord Menus – 99% of these are going to be viruses and the other 1% is going to be detected. Don’t install Kiddons from a youtube video go to the unknowncheats link I posted, make an account and get it from there if you want it.
Kingpin – Pretty bad over-all, usually considered to be the worst menu out there.
Never get any mod menu’s that are new, they can be exit-scams and will usually take the cash
and bail after a month. Examples of these exit scam menu’s are
- Over
- Hypno
- Indara
A lot of these exit scam menu’s are also using stolen code.
Since most mod menu’s use bitcoin only there are resellers which can sometimes charge at a slightly higher price but will deliver the menu and accept payment forms like PayPal. These are resellers that I know of/am aware of. If you know of a reseller comment it below and I'll add it.

Disturbed keys can only be brought through there discord. You can find a link through there site (

Updates: V1.1 Added more Resellers, Crossed out Luna
submitted by Game-Crunch to GTAOnlineCheats [link] [comments]

Please ban/unverify Kashy Kans

Not only did he scam players with his casino map, but lied/tried to decieve DEVS when he was caught red handed. Using a position of power to scam/exploit is beyond disgusting.
Idk why a person with a clear history of unethical/immoral behaviour (first boosting, now scamming) is still active let alone verified. This video detailing Kashy's despicable behaviour speaks for itself;
DEVS if you are reading this please ban kashy kans or at the very least unverify him.
submitted by Chad-69 to KrunkerIO [link] [comments]

[S] King's Survivor Gallipoli: Saints Vs Sinners

After I tried to stop this series and start a new series (which failed), I am back in the driver's seat for King's Survivor's final phase, since it would probably have lasted longer if Adobe didn't cancel Flash (thanks for rushing my series, mate!). This season, I tried to do what u/swoldow did before and make a season called Saints Vs Sinners, where 10 people who embody the term "Saint" will face off against the people who embody the term "Sinner", but unfortunately, it seemed like a lot of the people who signed up misunderstood the definition of saints and sinners. For the love of god, someone who is slightly villainous is not a "sinner", and average people are not "saints". Oh well. I guess it's the best I'm gonna get. Here is the cast:
Kahramanca (Saints) Tribe:
Ardet Prifti, 31, Rhythm Guitarist, u/Twig7665
Ardet lived a difficult life. Born in Albania with a family that was associated with the mafia meant that Ardet was never safe, and one day, he came back home to find his whole family had been murdered by the Albanian mafia. He spent years on the street, struggling to survive, before he discovered his musical talent. He played a guitar (which he had to steal), which enabled him to earn money. After a few years of doing that, he moved to the United States, where he did his best to get into the largest music college in that country, and actually succeeded. He met some people that became his bandmates, and soon they were pretty popular in the underground scene. When their fame exploded, Ardet's bandmates grew either egotistical or paranoid, but Ardet saw fame as a way to spread awareness for mental illness. He has now become a strong supporter of mental health charities around the country, and he signed up for Survivor to raise money for one of the charities he supports.
Ava Chrisly, 23, Kindergarten Teacher, u/Gemini_B
Ava was born deaf. After her father died when she was 3, her birthmother struggled to care for her and her 3 siblings. Ava was especially tough since she needed special treatment and one night her birthmother left her on the doorstep of a rich widow with a note explaining how Ava got there. The Widow, not wanting to deal with a deaf child, left her outside where she spent a cold night alone and scared. She came across Marissa, a young girl who ran away from home. Marissa took pity on her and the two banded together.
They spent years together on the street with Ava learning to read lips and Marissa learning sign language. Marissa quickly saw that Ava had a gift with children and encouraged her to find a job with kids. Ava didn’t want Marissa to leave, but then Marissa surprised her by revealing she had a scholarship to a teachers college. Ava went off to the collage and became a kindergarten teacher, but when she returned she learned that Ava had gone to jail for stealing from a rich old woman and using the money to bribe a college administrator. Ava promised she’d help bail Marissa out, and learned about survivor. She’s hoping she can win the million to help free Marissa and get their lives on track.
Chelsea Rutherford, 22, Lifeguard, u/IAmWolfNinja
Chelsea was the heiress to the throne of a foreign country with a corrupt government. The wealth that came with such a status meant nothing to her, since she was utterly disgusted with the actions of her family. Knowing her resentment for their governmental policies, Chelsea's family gradually became verbally abusive towards her. Unable to take any more, she escaped as a teen to pursue her own path. When she arrived in America, Chelsea wanted to do everything she could to erase her dark past and the actions of her family, so she got a job as a lifeguard, where she has saved countless lives. She's occasionally recognized as an heiress, but when it's brought up, she tends to have nervous breakdowns.
Chester "Cap'n" Richardson, 67, Retired Naval Officer, u/swoldow
Some may see him as just the average old man, but Cap’n has seen and done things most people couldn't fathom. Cap’n joined the navy at a ripe young age about 5 years before the Cold War began, and learned everything from afar, slowly working up the ranks. When things got bad in Vietnam, he was given the chance to take charge of a ship during the war, and he immediately said yes. He ran the ship strictly, but he got both respect from everyone, as well as being genuinely liked as a person by his crew. He led them to many naval victories but unfortunately that didn't last, when his ship was shot with a torpedo, which blew the whole thing up and killed everyone on it, except for Cap’n. With the emotional baggage of watching people he has gotten to know kick the bucket, he immediately resigned from the navy after. As a result of the shipwreck, his mindset has changed, as he’s now super overprotective of his family, and still can't let the explosion go after years and years of retirement. He hopes Survivor can help him learn more about himself, and be the thing he needs to live the rest of his life in peace.
Cornelius Von Helton, 52, CEO, u/Gemini_B
Cornelius was raised by a family that had fallen from riches and was in tough times. He never expected to get to go to university but got lucky by getting a scholarship for his creative greeting cards. While at university, he enrolled in a business course and after collage started a greeting card business with some friends. All of his friends quickly gave up on the business, but Cornelius stuck through it. When he made a greeting card that was delivered to Eddie Murphy, the comedian was impressed and hired him to do his greeting cards to his friends, family, and invitations to parties. Quickly other celebrities started to hire his business and many fans wanted to get into the trend. His business rapidly expanded and he soon found himself with a company that covered parties, greeting cards, published books and even dabbled in a touch of Realestate. While in his thirties though, Cornelius was mugged while on a walk in the park and got stabbed. He was quickly rushed to the hospital and while there, he was nursed back to health by his soon to be wife. He claims that she saved his life and proceeded to date her after leaving the hospital. She was reluctant at first, but he quickly charmed her and the two have been married for 15 years now. He has two children, a son aged 10 and a daughter aged 8. He's continued to run his business, but leaves most of the work to his higher-ups as he wants to be able to spend as much time with his family and employees as possible. He views his employees as his family and does his best to remember all their names and make the workspace as nice for them as possible. He's come to survivor because his wife loves the show and wanted to compete, but due to growing health issues can't. She's trained him to win, and he wants to do this and win for her.
Dana Vasquez, 43, Stay At Home Mom, (filler character)
Greg Zimmer, 40, High School Teacher, u/AngolanDesert
Greg is one of the nicest people you will ever meet. He is very trusting and kind and will do anything for the people he loves. Since he grew up in Texas, hard work has always been his priority. He knows that if he wants to win this game, he has to work hard at everything he does. Greg decided to be a high school teacher so he could teach his students the importance of hard work. He has been a fan of survivor for a while, so when he saw that applications for survivor were going out, he knew he had to join in. Hopefully, he won’t disappoint his students.
Gwendolyn "Gwen" Wallerby, 52, Baker, u/ghetra
Gwen works at a bakery where she gets to do what she loves every day: make many different kinds of pies. She is a very warm, loving person and has a reputation for helping out whoever needs it, usually by baking for them. Baking takes a lot of patience and strength, and she is stronger than she looks. She naturally has a very loud voice that sometimes irks people, but once they get to know her it quickly becomes endearing. Now that her children are out of the house, she has started reading much more and taking classes on different subjects that interest her. The world is her oyster.
Kirk Smolarek, 62, History Teacher, u/Twig7665
Kirk never had a normal childhood. His mom walked out on his family not long after he was born, and his father was a former Polish soldier with PTSD and a severe drug addiction, leading to Kirk experiencing abuse from him for as long as Kirk can remember. Wanting to escape his miserable life, he smuggled himself on a boat bound for Australia when he was 16. Lo and behold, the ship got caught in a windstorm and ended up sinking, and Kirk and a few other survivors ended up stranded on an island. After spending more than a month there, he was taken back to his homeland after being found there. He ended up being the only survivor of the whole ordeal. He was returned to his deranged father, where the next time his father tried to abuse him, he fought back, causing his father to end up in the hospital. Deemed not guilty because he defended himself, Kirk did not spend time in prison for this. His father on the other hand did spend time there for drug-related charges and child abuse, but was killed by another inmate before he could be released. Kirk then went to college, where he studied history there, and decided to become a history teacher. He then kept that job title for over 40 years now, and despite being in his 60s, he is still an enjoyable presence for his students, as he incorporates unusual teaching methods to make his students interested in what he's teaching. Despite being financially stable, he wants to win the money so he can be well off when he retires in a few years.
Maralyn Sander, 32, Tour Guide, u/Void_Drone
Maralyn gives tours of New York, driving around in her bus, answering questions, watching broadway shows. And she spends most of her money on her family, except for the money she spent on her pink pearl necklace. She enjoys the tours for the most part, but when she's alone she vents about how annoying the tours can be.
Kotu Adam (Sinners) Tribe:
Alexa Station, 20, YouTuber, u/IAmWolfNinja
A 3AM YouTuber who arrived late to the trend, Alexa has a tendency to flex her belongings when no one really cares. She was recently involved in a scandal where she faked her boyfriend's death, causing endless amounts of controversy, and a near arrest. Her sub count is dropping significantly every day, so she joined to help gain her popularity (relevancy) back.
Carter Witworth, 23, College Student, u/JTsidol
Witworth, he was born to a extremely rich family, but his parents didn’t have time for him, but spoiled him rotten, when he got into school, he was known for being a bully, however no one confronted him, and everytime he’d get in trouble or fail a test, his parents would pay his way out, last year, he got a slap in the face, when his parents yet again had to bribe the college board to accept him, they cut off his allowance, he’s playing just for the money, nothing else.
Irvin Eamers, 32, Olympic Sprinter, u/asiansurvivorfan
A born athlete, Irvin loved competing in all sports but wasn’t known to play fair as he was never a team player and would often torment others to win. He started training for the Olympics at the age of 17 and eventually got the opportunity to compete in multiple Olympics where he took home many gold medals. However, they were striped from him when he was caught doping and using steroids to give him an edge in races. After the controversy, Irvin’s current wife left him and he was banned from competing in any future competitions. He came on Survivor for one reason and that is that is the money as he’s currently being sued by the Olympic committee.
Jessica Abrefa, 25, Poker Player, u/Twig7665
Jessica wasn't the most well off growing up, she lived in Alabama, where racism was rampant. As such, she was bullied for her race, until one day, she decided that they will all be wrong about her not being able to do anything because of her skin colour. She publicly humiliated the whole football team at her high school, and that stunt got her expelled in her senior year. She didn't care, and then she decided to run away to Las Vegas, which she did. While there, she started modeling, but found it boring. She then picked up the hobby of gambling, and played her first poker match when she was 21. She proved herself to be a formidable foe by beating one of the top poker players at the time, a dude named Brett Herman. Impressed by her skills, he tried to form a bond with her, but she turned him down due to him being a very paranoid man. Now, Jessica dates and cheats on men almost daily, and is considered one of the top female poker players, despite only playing for a few years. An avid Survivor fan, she wants to be as flirty and manipulative as she is in her real life. The only problem would be meeting another poker player, but she finds it unlikely that she will.
Joey "Wildcard" Caruso, 24, Poker Player, u/wordonthestreet2
Joey did not grow up with the best moral compass as his father notoriously had ties to the mafia. He used the money his father made through illegitimate businesses to gamble throughout his teenage years. When his father learned about his poker abilities and how easy it was for him to manipulate his opponents they began using his poker career as a way to launder mafia money through various casinos. He is known for his excellent poker face and unpredictable style of play which earned him the nickname Wildcard.
Maize Nguyen, 28, Heiress, u/Vicctoryy
From the outside looking in, the Nguyen Family Dynasty of San Francisco looks like a well supported and strong business, but from the inside, things are crumbling apart. The matriarch and patriarch are always at each other's necks over the company, leaving their children to clean up their messes. Maize, being the oldest, has taken it upon herself to lead the company, and she leads with an iron will and even harder iron fist. While she seems like a worthy replacement for her faulty parents, she has never been afraid to leave with force. Anyone at the receiving end of a verbal lashing from Maize is likely to not return to work the next day, or ever again. She is arrogant, rude, demeaning, and yet she gets things done. Saving the company from absolute bankruptcy caused a lot of backlash, but Maize couldn't care less. Success should be accomplished by stepping on the necks of those who aren't ready for the power, and Maize has done that exact thing. Any person in Maize's way has been an obstacle she has to conquer, and with a flip of her finger, that obstacle is no longer a problem. She has never been afraid to crack a few eggs to make an omelette, and unfortunately, those eggs have just been working class people struggling to make minimum wage and put dinner on their table. Too bad for them according to Maize. Maize has come to Survivor to prove that the Nguyen Dynasty is far from over, and their business monopoly will run on for years with Maize at the front of it. She is the iceberg, everyone else is a ship with no idea of what's in their way. Those too bold to step in her way are trampled, quite literally. Maize has no problem with controversy, controversy brings attention, attention brings money, and money brings power.
Molly-Anne Benson, 26, Marketing Assistant, u/ghetra
Molly-Anne is a social butterfly. She loves chatting with people about pretty much anything and loves meeting and getting to know new people. She has a natural charm about her that draws people in, but sometimes people are bothered by how chatty she is. She also loves to gossip and is not above spreading rumors. However, she is rather sensitive and can be set off by just about anything. She frequently will push people's buttons if they offend her and will hold a grudge until the end of time.
Nikki Lopez, 29, Stripper, u/Void_Drone
Randall Martin, 49, Real Estate Agent, u/TDSwaggyBoy
Being a self proclaimed sleazeball, which is a very weird thing to be proud of, Randall's life was never too good. He didn't grow up with a lot of close friends. Sure, people liked him at first, but when they really got to know him they didn't appreciate him nor his antics very much. Randall had to make a name for himself. He quickly found a career in the world of real estate. Not even his co-workers enjoyed his company, but they appreciated his skills. Being a fast and smooth talker really pays off in his industry. And now, Randall wants to put his skills to use in SURVIVOR. How well will that pan out?
Vito Luco, 49, Used Car Salesman, u/swoldow
Vito is the last person you'd want to trust with anything. A true con-artist at heart, he now has a job selling used cars, but his past jobs would make you run away from him in fear. When he was younger, he was a part of a major drug-trafficking operation run by the mafia, and he later got a job selling illegal fireworks, both of which got him to do jail time for a decade. Newly released, he seems to be back to his old ways, as he scams people out of their money daily with his faulty cars. He was born constantly overshadowed by his perfect younger brother, who is a popular politician, while he just swindles from people. As a result, he hates people who play loyally, and wants to prove that evil is the best way to play. He isn't afraid to play hard, as that's what he did all his life, and he'll either win, or go out swinging.
Link to Season
Episode 1: The 20 new contestants are welcomed into Turkey, where their first task is to compete in a challenge for reward. The Sinners tribe win this reward due to having more young and fit members than the Saints tribe. As a result, the Saints are already demoralized as they arrive at camp. Cap'n starts to feel good vibes from Ardet and Maralyn, and takes them under his wing to form an alliance. Ava, on the other hand, reveals that she is deaf to Chelsea and Gwen, and the three form another alliance due to being close to one another already. Cap'n sees this and scrambles to find an idol, and does so. Over at the Sinners tribe, Witworth and Jessica see their opportunity to look for an idol, and they find it, giving them more security, while back at camp, Maize and Nikki get into a fight over thinking that the other has an idol, which neither of them do. Vito becomes the moderator of this fight, saying that the three of them plus Irvin and Molly need to stick together in the long run. Randall sees this alliance form and tries to get Alexa, Jessica, Witworth, and Wildcard on board, which they all agree to at first, but then Wildcard sees this as his opportunity to cause conflict within his tribe, so he becomes content with being a swing vote. The Sinners win immunity, and on the Saints tribe it quickly becomes a race to see who can scrape up the swing votes the fastest between Cap'n's alliance and Ava's alliance. Dana becomes the target for Ava's alliance because of her weakness in challenges and her blind loyalty, while Greg is targeted by Ardet and Cap'n due to his shiftiness. They are able to get Kirk and Dana on board to blindside Greg, and they try to talk to Gwen, but she does not flip. Instead, at tribal council, we end up with a 5-5 split, followed by a 4-4 vote split due to no one flipping. Then a rock draw occurs on the first vote of the season. Ardet becomes the victim of the rocks, sending him out of the game despite never receiving a single vote.
Episode 2: After an explosive first vote, Cap'n tries to figure out who flipped on the six and sent Ardet home. No one tells him who did it, so he assumes it was Ardet. Ava tries to flip Maralyn from Cap'n's alliance, but is unsuccessful at doing so. At the Sinners camp, Jessica and Witworth, despite being closely aligned, argue over who gets to keep the idol, and Witworth ends up keeping it in the end. The Saints pull out a surprise victory over the fractured Sinners, and back at camp, Wildcard decides to snake the alliance he was pretending to work with, and joins Vito's alliance. Their first target is none other than Alexa, who saw this game as nothing other than a tool to get more relevancy back, and it particularly irked Vito, who wanted to play against people who played hard. So together, with his alliance and Wildcard, they vote for Alexa. Meanwhile, the four person alliance realizes that Wildcard snaked them, so they vote for him, and Alexa becomes the second person voted off in a 6-4 vote.
Episode 3: After Alexa's vote off, Irvin tries to bond with Vito, wanting to be his right hand man, and they become closer due to both being sleazy people. Wildcard begins to feel like he's in control, and it starts to annoy people on his tribe. At the Saints camp, Cap'n starts to rub people the wrong way because of his cockiness due to having an idol, but no one catches on to him having an idol, which is good news for him, because he plans on holding onto the idol until the merge. The Sinners win immunity for the third time, and they grow cocky because of this. Cap'n and Kirk, being the two oldest men on the tribe, join forces with Dana and Maralyn to take out their biggest threat in the opposing alliance, Greg. However, the other side has majority, and they decide that Dana has been blindly loyal to the other three, and hasn't been pulling her weight in challenges, so she becomes the third person voted out in a 5-4 vote.
Episode 4: After a somewhat boring vote, Greg starts to get paranoid, since he's already gotten 9 votes and it's only episode 4. He then tries to get the minority alliance to pin their votes onto Gwen, but Gwen gets angry at him for doing so, and they have an argument. At Sinners camp, Jessica tries to talk to Irvin, trying to get his alliance to help hers take out Wildcard, and Irvin tells Vito about the plan, and Vito starts to see Wildcard as not being of use anymore. After losing the reward challenge, the Saints come back harder and beat the Sinners at the next challenge. Wildcard lets Vito know that he is going to vote Maize, since he wants to make a big move early on. This becomes the final nail in Wildcard's coffin, as Vito was quite close to Maize. At tribal council, Wildcard becomes the first unanimous boot of the season, going out in a 8-1 vote.
Episode 5: Vito starts to think that Irvin has been playing way too loyally, and he gets into a discussion with him that slowly devolves into a full-blown fight between them, but Vito, realizing that Irvin would make a bad enemy, tries to make it up to him, and it works. The Sinners win both reward and immunity, and they feel elated about it. Cornelius goes to Cap'n and proposes an alliance to him, allowing them to control things from behind the scenes with Maralyn. He also reveals that he has grown a disdain for Greg, and that they need to flip the numbers on him. They get Gwen and Kirk on board, or so they think, but Gwen blabs to Greg and their alliance, leading to Kirk to flip as well. They decide to vote Cornelius out due to him being the biggest gamer on the tribe, and he goes in a 5-3 vote.
Episode 6: The tribes pack up their things, anticipating a swap, but then the host announces that they will be competing for individual immunity on their tribe, and whoever wins will be safe from the double tribal council taking place that night. Maralyn wins for the Saints, and Vito wins for the Sinners. The Sinners also win reward, earning food to enjoy while they watch the other tribe go to tribal council. Witworth, Jessica, and Randall decide it was now or never to get rid of Maize, who had a fight with Randall earlier that day, but Vito, hearing about this, decides that Randall is the biggest sleaze on his tribe, and he needed to go as soon as possible. In his voting confessional, he states there can be only one sleazy guy on the tribe, and that was himself, so Randall had to go, and Randall becomes the sixth person voted out in a 5-3 vote, and he is bitter as all hell about it. At the Saints tribe, Cap'n becomes angry over the fact he cannot vote in the majority, and it makes the majority annoyed with him, so they decide to vote him off. Luckily for Cap'n, he still has an idol, so he and Maralyn vote for the most threatening player in their minds, Chelsea, and Cap'n plays his idol, sending Chelsea out of the game in a 2-0 vote.
Episode 7: After Chelsea's idol out, Cap'n officially became public enemy number one on his tribe, and he tries to find his rehidden idol, but Kirk finds it instead. Maralyn and Greg have a fight due to the food on their tribe running low, and morale being even lower. At the Sinners tribe, Nikki begins to be seen as an easy goat due to her one-sided loyalty to Vito. Morale at the Saints tribe dips even lower when they lose both reward and immunity. Not wanting to lose again,the majority decide to vote off their oldest member, Cap'n, as a last ditch attempt to prevent them from going on a losing streak. Cap'n and Maralyn vote for Greg, and Cap'n becomes the eighth person voted out in a 5-3 vote, missing out on the jury by one placement.
Episode 8: After Cap'n's vote out, there are only five members on the Saints tribe, compared to the Sinners having seven. The Sinners increase their winning streak by two by winning both reward and immunity. At the Sinners camp, Jessica and Witworth have another fight over the idol, with Jessica insisting that she keep it. This causes the rest of the tribe to be alerted to the fact that Jessica and Witworth have an idol, and Witworth becomes a target because of this. At the Saints tribe, the women form a tight three, and Kirk and Greg are forced to band together to survive. At tribal council, the three women stay strong, and Greg is voted out 3-2 and becomes the first member of the jury, leaving only four Saints left in the game.
Episode 9: With his back up against the wall, Kirk knows that he's probably gone next if he didn't have the idol, which ensured his survival until merge. The Saints finally win a challenge, a reward challenge, but lose immunity once again to the inflated egos of the Sinners. Not much else happens this episode, but Kirk tries to get Maralyn to flip and vote out Ava, but she disagrees to do so, and she votes for Gwen instead, making Kirk not trust her, and he decides to vote for her, while also playing his idol. This causes a 1-1-0 tie between Gwen and Maralyn, and Ava, misunderstanding what would happen if she forced a tie, votes for Gwen while Kirk votes for Maralyn, and Ava becomes the second person in King's Survivor history to be eliminated by default, due to there being no other options, and she becomes the second member of the jury
Episode 10: At long last, the tribes merge into the purple Ucurum tribe, meaning balance in Turkish. Left in the game is Witworth, Gwen, Irvin, Jessica, Kirk, Maize, Maralyn, Molly, Nikki, and Vito. At first, it seems like it would be Saint Vs Sinner, but Jessica and Witworth come to the three Saints left in the game, and they convince them to vote with them come tribal council. Vito wins his second immunity challenge of the season, and his target was Witworth for being the strongest male not in his alliance, and also for lying about not having an idol, which he believed was given to Jessica. At tribal council, the lines cause a 5-5 divide between Irvin and Witworth, and on the revote, Maralyn randomly decides to flip to avoid a tie, and Carter Witworth becomes the third member of the jury, and also another person to go out with an idol in their pocket. He is understandably pretty pissed about this ordeal, but wishes his tribe well.
Episode 11: The day after Witworth's blindside, the nine remaining contestants compete in a reward challenge, which the team containing Irvin, Maralyn, and Vito win. At the reward, Irvin and Vito realize how dangerous Maralyn could be after she starts trying to talk game with them. Soon afterwards, Maralyn finds the idol, and Jessica calls out Molly for following Vito almost blindly. Nikki wins the second post merge immunity challenge, and Vito tries to recruit Jessica for the vote, which succeeds. They then choose to target Maralyn, since she was the most threatening out of the three Saints, and the six remaining Sinners pin votes onto her. Unfortunately for them, Maralyn pulls out an idol, and the Saints vote for Irvin, a potential immunity threat, making him the fourth member of the jury in a 3-0 vote.
Episode 12: After Irvin's blindside, only two men are still in the game, compared to the six women. Nikki is able to find an idol, after thinking that she hasn't been playing hard enough, while Molly gets into a fight with Maralyn over the latter pulling out an idol, which she hadn't wanted her to do. Molly wins immunity, and it becomes a battle of the Saints Vs the Sinners, just like the theme of the season. The Saints go after Maize, wanting to weaken Vito further before going after him, but they are unable to swing anyone over and Vito, fueled by vengeance, gets his alliance to vote for Maralyn. In a 5-3 vote, Maralyn becomes the fifth member of the jury. Back at camp, the final seven become annoyed at Nikki's arrogance after being safe from being voted out, so she becomes a target for the two remaining Saints left. Kirk also becomes a target for being a perceived leader for Gwen, causing him to be target numero uno. After Kirk wins immunity, the target shifts from him to Gwen, due to her being perceived as not wanting to play the game, and rather would be along for the ride, which Vito found unpalatable. Kirk and Gwen then try to vote out Molly for her strength in challenges, and in the end, Gwen gets the boot in a 5-2 vote, making her the sixth juror.
Episode 13: With only six people left in the game, the final reward challenge takes place. Maize wins it, and she shares it with Vito, her closest ally, and Jessica, who her and Vito wanted to bring closer. Soon, they realize what a threat she could be, especially because she's a poker player, she becomes the biggest target instead of Kirk. Luckily for her, she wins immunity. Kirk tries to bond with Maize as a way to get Vito to not vote him out, but it backfires, and he becomes the biggest target yet again. At tribal council, he votes for Molly, but everyone else votes for him, making him the seventh juror in a 5-1 vote and completely eliminating the Saints from the game.
Finale: Jessica, Maize, Molly, Nikki, and Vito remain. Five players who had remarkably different playing styles, but all came from the same tribe. They compete in the second-to-last immunity challenge, which Maize wins, and the biggest target becomes Jessica again, who has proven herself to be the only player not following Vito, and only voting with him just to get further in the game. Vito does not feel the same way about keeping Jessica around, so he and his alliance with Nikki, Molly, and Maize vote for her, and Nikki plays her idol in case someone flipped on her, and Jessica becomes the eighth juror in a 4-0 vote. Back at camp, Vito feels incredibly cocky, and he tries to influence a fight, and he does so between Nikki and Maize. He then goes on to win final immunity, and Nikki tanks her own game with her fight with Maize, and everyone votes her out, causing her to become the ninth juror in a 3-1 vote. The final three consists of Maize, Molly, and Vito. Molly gets criticism for her lack of strategy, only using her social game to get far, and her challenge capabilities. Maize is seen as following too closely to Vito, but the jury is willing to vote for her if Vito tanks his jury speech. He does not, and explains his game in great detail, saying he started out forming a five person alliance on the first night, he commenced the Wildcard blindside, the Witworth blindside, the Jessica blindside, etc. He did it all, but the bonds he formed in the game were genuine, and he didn't intend his villainous backstabbing to be taken personal. In the end, he gets all the jury votes, even from two people he never met, Greg and Ava. Maralyn wins the Fan Favorite for standing up to Vito and her idol play.
Winner: Vito Luco, u/swoldow
Fan Favorite: Maralyn Sander, u/Void_Drone
Potential Returnees (yeah, I haven't done this in a while): Vito, Jessica, Kirk, Maralyn, WItworth, Ava, Cap'n, maybe Ardet, if I do a first boot season
Next season, will be the final season before season 35, I won't spoil the theme for 35, but trust me, it won't be a season to miss. Season 34 however, with the release of the new Island Of The Idols sim, it will feature two King's Survivor Idols, who will be revealed with the sign ups. Next season will be King's Survivor Venezuela: Island Of The Idols!
submitted by KingTyson27 to BrantSteele [link] [comments]

[Hero Wars] Extreme "Predatory Monetization Schemes"

[Hero Wars] Extreme

[Hero Wars] Extreme "Predatory Monetization Schemes"

Super Deal! (Limited Time Offer) with \"Attention! This offer will be available only once!\" ( will be available again after a few months)
Special Offer! (Limited Time) which is available from time to time
Annoying Little Special Offer Timer! (Want my money eh?)
So-called \"Limited Time Skin Sale\" which is actually available everyday
Rarity Fair (Limited time duh...) pops up from time to time to encourage players to spend money
Need more gold? Exchange with emeralds (hopefully lucky enough to hit x100)
Running out of energy? Either wait for recharge (1 per 5 minutes) or spend emeralds!
I think I need more emeralds....(oh wait, this is prohibitively expensive...)
TL;DR This is a garbage quality, purely money grabbing (pay-to-win) game. Just avoid it at all cost!
This so-called "game" (or "puzzle game" as advertised on social media) is a money (also time and mental) draining trap, comparable to gambling in casinos (except you have zero chance to win or get your money back).
The game is primarily designed around (emeralds, loot boxes, special offers, special events). So how do you win this game? Little to no gaming skill is required, Just spend more money and win!
For your personal well-being, please think twice (or many times) before starting to play or trying out this "game", you have been warned!
Related Online Discussions:
submitted by herowarssux to HeroWarsFB [link] [comments]

Guy tried European Scam on me today: Fake fashion designer Driver

Hi everyone so basically today after I finished college (Kings Cross) this guy pulled up just right after I left the campus, asked for directions to Heathrow and said he was a fashion designer who needed money for gas and to pay off his rental car as 'he needed to go to the airport to head off for a fashion show in Dubai and blew it off at the casino yesterday'. I knew immediately that it was a scam cos I saw this on youtube before.
He then proceeded to show me his designer goods (which are obviously fake) and saw he didn't need them for excess for the airport which of course is bs and then he said he needed £450 to pay off his rental car! wow! I thought it would be like £40-£100 but not £450! So I said no and walked off after getting in a bit. I then walked off on a road leading to Kings cross and he drove off quickly as he noticed there were three police officers.
I knew he may scam others so I immediately talked to the officers and they said I should've got the licence plate (which I should've damnit).
I'm just surprised that this happened today in London! As I thought this was a only a thing in other European countries. However Covid wont stop scammers and
It's obvious he targeted me as I'm Asian and I was wearing nice clothes today (Asian tourists love spending).
So please tell your rich friends about this!xx
Edit: He also had an itinerary loaded on his phone before going saying LHR->DXB but it was off Google images so it looked fake. He also had the bag full of "designer clothes" conveniently on the back seat ://. Also he asked me to go to the bank when I said I didnt have cash. Hell no, under no circumstances whatsoever would I let a stranger follow me to a bank/ATM.
Edit 2: I know people usually wouldnt fall for this but I know people still do. Never underestimate how kind or stupid people can be. If it didn't work at all he wouldn't bother being out scamming.
Edit 3: I couldnt tell if he was Italian or (Roma) because he had his phone language in Italian? He could've set it to Italian to make it sound like he's from Milan as he says.
Edit 4: Checked CCTV and got plate so that we could find out if it’s larger scale organized crime.
submitted by jalovenadsa to london [link] [comments]

A History of, and everything wrong with the modern Duel Arena and why it truly needs to go, from someone who has staked 100s of bils through 2007-2020.

You might know me from various videos through the years like or Or from being hacked by Jed for 46bil
Lets start with what did the arena look like 2007 -
Majority Mage boxing, profit was from people abusing IP addresses with priority (lowest multiple of 8 in last digits, who the hell knows why this gave priority please tell me, but it did).
Mage boxing was really few hits with blood barrages, and you would keep a crazy high win rate and make bils if you were one of the small group who knew how first hit happened. A more innocent time, knowledge of the game was low and 4fun duels of people taking their full rune and getting farcasted in a duel vs a pure were everywhere.
Then we had the restricted trade era, zzz skip
Return of the wildy - It was quickly worked out that each login session gave a PID which changed on log out, you could follow someone and how you pathed said if you had highelower hit. People would spend hours relogging to get the perfect PID for first hits in rapier stakes or boxing. Big stakes between people in the know would require both people relogging, this was gamed with other ways to tell who had first hit such as delays in the accept screen. This was also a wild era, you could do things such as armor on stakes or summoning boxing (extremely high skill stake mode), people also still did things like obs on high risk stakes. This was above all a FUN time to stake, you could earn bils with good game knowledge and skill.
EOC - AHAHAHAHAH JAGEX WHY, utter mess, glitches everywhere (I lost a ton because they forgot to disable butterflies of all things in the arena with EOC). People still stake on RS3 but it is scammers and glitches everywhere, close to unplayable.
Old school rs release Fun times, people were not all maxed, you had people doing whatever, a mess with things like you could xlog, and pid was back to being decided by your IP address. This was the second golden era of staking, spend your days anti scamming or working out your odds vs different builds to profit.
First mistake - Inventory shown, this did nothing but help scammers, this was the most braindead update I have ever seen. People still fell for say mage being turned on, but now the scammer had the safety to never stake someone who also brought runes.
Second "mistake" - Tax, this made any form of "honest" odds staking dead, no more could you grind out small advantages from say using the right flicking styles, over a long period you lost out. This reduced the arena to 50/50 flips and scammers. At this point the arena was now 99% people sitting there all day hoping you didn't notice them using a rapier vs your whip.
Third "mistake" - Even stakes only, good intentions to stop the x1.5 me for having 90 instead of 99 def, in reality just removed even more real people out of the arena. You can't even try beat people on a pure for better odds or something anymore.
Current state of the arena - Literally no purpose but being the sand casino, no honest way to consistently profit, zero fun to use. Gambling addicts spend their real savings on money to lose it vs bots who sit there all day waiting to get a rapier vs whip stake.
Tl'dr : The current state of the arena is nothing like 2007, updates that were perhaps individually good intended at the time have reduced it to an utterly unrepairable mess, delete it.
submitted by mazrrim to 2007scape [link] [comments]

Your Pre Market Brief for 07/24/2020

Pre Market Brief for Friday July 24th 2020

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Thursday 07/23/2020 News and Markets Recap:
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News Heading into Friday July 24th 2020
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It is up to you to judge the accuracy and veracity of these headlines before trading.
submitted by Cicero1982 to pennystocks [link] [comments]

Make a shit-ton of money promoting online casinos

So, for those of you who are familiar with REALLY black hat affiliate marketing this wouldn't be a huge surprise, but still.
Basically, i think i found the ultimate way to promote online casinos as an affiliate and make huge amounts of money with it, and basically this is by turning lots of people into temporary (or not so temporary) gambling addicts.
Is this immoral? I'm a diagnosed sociopath and i couldn't care less, we're all adults and we're all responsible for our decisions. Is this illegal? No.
Basically, let's first analyze what a gambling addict is and HOW HE THINKS:
The key factor that distinguishes a gambling addict from an enthusiast is that the addict genuinely thinks he can beat the game, he thinks he knows what the next card coming out the deck is going to be, he thinks he knows that the next roll of the slot machine is going to be the one etc.
So, how do you turn random people into gamblers? You PROVE THEM you found an actual method to actually beat the game, and you prove it in an incontestable way just so that nobody can prove you wrong. This is going to cost you some money btw, let's say 500 bucks, but you'll make a lot more in a day so...
Basically, here's what you do:
1) You create a fake Baypal balance, just log into your Baypal account and select the values, right click, then "inspect". Now you can edit whatever you want and create a fake balance showing fake payments from whatever company you want (name of the casino, will explain later, but you have to put money in the casino, lose some, and then get it back on Baypal so that you know the exact name that will appear when you receive payments). This would only be illegal only if you were selling the method, but you're going to give it away for free (because it's not a method) so no worries.
2) Once you have the fake Baypal set up you record the screen and start talking, say stuff like "Hey everyone i'm recording this video to show you this INSANE method i just found to make money online, i wouldn't believe this because they told me it was a method to make a lot of money easily, but i tried it and wow, this is crazy. BLA BLA BLA. I'm a MATH graduate and i couldn't get a job anywhere, let alone a well paid job. BLA BLA BLA."
3) You then start talking about the money you made while moving your cursor ONTO the numbers so that people will see it's not a screenshot that you could've photoshopped because the page is interacting, because it's a real page, just edited. You basically just say stuff like “so you can see my balance now is 36k which is not all the money i made in this past month/month and a half, you can see i received these payments here, i was testing it first, made the first 221,64 bucks here, then 743,85 (remember not-so-perfect numbers have more impact), then i started doing this seriously and we got to 4k, 13k, and 28k today.”
4) You then keep talking for a bit about how crazy this is and it has changed your life, make sure the whole talk lasts about 3-4mins, then say “let’s not waste any time here, let me show you how this works”. And you stop recording. This will be the first part of the video just save it as it is, you’ll find out why later.
5) Open up whatever online casino you’re going to promote (will discuss on how to get your affiliate link later) on which you already loaded 50 euros or dollars, then start recording again, this will be the second part of the video, but people will not even notice the cut.
Say “this method works in online casinos. Okay i know what you’re thinking, don’t worry this is not one of those black-red tricks that don’t work, they’re scams and we all know that, this is a new method and works, as you saw on my Baypal, but i will show it to you live. Please remind most online casinos are not functional for this method because they will find a way to block you after you keep winning all the time, check the description for the link to this one that i’m using which is the very best. so, let’s go to the roulette section and pick french roulette. this is our workplace, i guess everyone knows how roulette works, but here we’re not trying to get lucky, we’re following a precise sequence which is this one *show sequence image at this point* (which is basically Red Black Red Red Black Black in cycles) and i’ll put a link for this too. Here’s how it works:”
So, you have to apply this cycle while placing your bets, this cycle actually kinda works, but it just makes your chances of winning slightly above 50%, it’s nothing special, but looks like it. What you do is you keep betting the colors of the cycle all the time, while explaining what you’re doing with confidence, betting 0,10€ at a time, saying this is exactly where you started from. If you win you place the minimum bet again, if you lose you double up, if you lose again you double up again, but you keep following the sequence as a cycle.
Explain that this is the classic double-up, but it’s very different because YOU HAVE A PRECISE SEQUENCE THAT CAN’T BE REVERSE-FOLLOWED ALL THE TIME, and thus is 100% winning, all of this while proving it, while still suggesting the more you bet the more money you make.
This might go very wrong and you’d end up wasting 50€, if that happens (took me 6 trys, 300€, to get the right one) record this part of the video from scratch and load 50 more euros, as i said this will cost you money. When you get the right shot and get to let’s say 51€, point out that you just made 1€ in a couple mins, starting from 0,10, which is A LOT, point that out clearly.
6) If step 4 went correctly now say “so, i think you’ve figured out how this works but let me prove you this works for real, i’ll set a stopwatch, do it for a while speeding up the video so that you see what i’m doing, and i’ll be right back” then proceed to activate a stopwatch, go back to the casino page for a couple seconds and CUT the video.
7) Now, in post-production, you’ll take the part where you explained the method and use that video while speeding it up very quickly.
8) Go back to the casino, try until you win one bet so that it will show (that’s really hard to edit), then edit your balance to around 56€. Start the stopwatch again from 0:00, and go back to the casino page.
9) When 5 mins or so have passed start recording FROM THE CASINO PAGE, go the the stopwatch, stop it, and say “so that was 5 mins”. Go back to the casino page and show you are now at 56€, say “we made 5 more euros, and that was 5 minutes, let’s calculate how much WE WOULD’VE MADE if i kept going for an hour.” Pull out whatever calculator you want and divide euros by minutes (in this case 5 divided by 5, could be different in your case depending on what you decide to do) in this case it will show 1€ a minute, multiply x60 and say “guys, 60€ an hour, i know people are getting jobs for like 7€ an hour or less, let’s see how much that’d be if i kept doing it for 8 hours, that’s 480€. In a few days that will be a month of salary, and that’s with 0,10 bets, can you imagine what that would be if we made 1€ bets? this is insane.”
10) Pull out a table you previously created, showing bets, expected earnings and SAFETY RATIOS (totally made up).
Basically, 0,10 lost bets doubling up 9 times (which will look very very rare if step 4 went correctly) will require a 51,20€ balance for ABSOLUTE certainty, 25,20€ for VERY GOOD CERTAINTY and 6,40€ for GOOD CERTAINTY, create the rest of the board according to other bet options. Then on a side of the board show hourly and monthly potential earnings working 2 hours a day, so let’s say 60€ an hour as in hour example (point out that you usually go faster than what you did during the chronometer) and this will result in 3.600€ a month with 2 hours a day.
Explain the table and talk about the great earnings you can achieve with just 0,10 bets or 0,20 bets with just 2 hours a day, and then talk about the earnings you can achieve with higher bets, that REQUIRE CERTAINTY. Say “How do you get certainty, with a higher balance, here’s what we have, for 0,10 bets 6,40€ is good certainty, 25,20 is very good certainty and 51,20 is absolute certainty”. Suggest people to do 1€ bets (that require 512€ for absolute certainty) because they will be able to make 36k a month with just 2 hours IF THEY DO THIS SLOWLY, one hour if they do it faster. Keep discussing the huge earnings they can achieve, and point out you achieved a lot more and that the table underestimates it, as they saw in your Baypal. do some small talk for a while, the whole videos should be 15-20mins long.
11) End the whole video by saying “guys, i’m not joking this is for real, you’ve seen my Baypal, you’ve seen me do this right in front of you, it works, you’ll see for yourself, i’ll put the WEBSITE LINK (avoid saying “go play now” or phrases that directly encourage gambling) and the FREE DOWNLOAD link for the sequence in the description, i changed my life and got my dream life and you can do this too, dreams are not dreams anymore, they’re goals that you can achieve, bye!”
So, this is how you create the gambler-maker video that will turn random people into real gamblers. The cool thing is that the lowest “absolute certainty” balance is 51,20 but they can’t deposit 51,20 because they will be able to deposit 50, so if they comment the video saying they lost their money say the didn’t listen to you and needed 51,20. They will then refill their balance. Lots of people will do the same with the 512 balance. Delete upset comments if they don’t take any “advice” and place some “this changed my life” and “1000€ in 2 hours easiest money of my life” comments with fake profiles during the first week or two.
Most online casinos will pay you a 20% commission on deposits when you’re first starting out as an affiliate and will go to even 300% CPA on deposits, meaning a 500 deposit will make you a 1.500€ commission, or something like that depending on the one you choose.
The problem with them is that they will be very upset if they found out you’re promoting their casino this way (but will enjoy the money) so before you apply for their affiliate program here’s what you do:
You go to Blu3host and purchase 2 domains and hosting for each, about 70 bucks for each (will last 1 year) call one something like “makethatdr3ammoneynow(DOT)c0m” and the other one “casinofunreviews(DOT)c0m”.
Use Blu3host because it has integrated wordpress.
Log into casinofunrevi3ws(DOT)c0m and log into wordpress, go to plugins and search for “pretty links” install that plugin (the logo is a start with blue lines behind it like a comet) what this plugin does is it CLOAKS your link, not for people, but for the casino, this is to make sure the casino thinks you’re promoting them in a legit way. Anyway, with the Prettylinks plugin you can create redirects like “casinofunr3views(DOT)c0m/casino” will immediately redirect to the casino with your affiliate link, you can figure this out very very easily when you have Prettylinks in front of you.
Now, you still don’t have your affiliate link so you’ll only do this when you get it, here’s what you do. Click on “add post” and write a post about a game like “book of ra” making a fake review saying it looks good and it fun to play overall and rate it 7/10 or something and bla bla bla, add a picture of it and that’s it. Do this for a couple more games always WITHOUT ENCOURAGING GAMBLING, they have to look like posts aimed at sunday-gamblers who do it for fun.
When you ask for your application as an affiliate they will ask you for an url, send them your perfectly legit friendly gambling blog (casinofunr3views(DOT)c0m) when they approve you and you get the link create the redirect like casinofunr3views(DOT)c0m/casino or something like that
Now go to your other domain (makethatdr3ammoneynow(DOT)c0m) and basically only write one post writing “link to the website” (create hyperlink to your redirect link, NOT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK, so that the text “link to the website” sends to casinofunr3views(DOT)c0m/casino) and “link to the sequence” that you will upload somewhere for free download and create an hyperlink for that too.
In the video description type “for the website link and download link click h3re: makethatdr3ammoneynow(DOT)c0m” and they will land on your website that just presents them the 2 hyperlinks and that’s it. Perfect.
Then go back to casinofunr3views(DOT)c0m and create a new post and talk about the casino you’re an affiliate of, review it and say it looks very good, good design and all and very fun games, and create an hyperlink for it in the post, right on their name, like, if the casino’s name is “bananacasinogummybear” you write “so, i’ve recently played some games on bananacasinogummybear…. bla bla bla” and the hyperlink sends to “casinofunr3views(DOT)c0m/casino” AGAIN.
The purpose of all this thing is that the casino will see where the new subscribers come from, if you put the redirect right on youtube they’d know you’re using youtube, and they would only have to google the link to find your video. If you do this like i explained to you they will see the traffic is coming from the super legit blog you showed them. THIS IS VERY VERY IMPORTANT.
So, this was my very black hat and highly manipulative way to make lots of money quickly af (just create a fake fb profile, search gambler-games-related pages and add a few people and post a status saying “i will post a video showing you a crazy method to makes lots of money, ask your dearest friends to add me” and keep adding people too, just spam a bit, it will go kinda viral very quickly (because the method kinda looks like it really works, but it doesn’t, so people will be sharing your video even after trying for themselves)
Make sure you make the youtube video “not listed” if you want to be really safe, because even thought this is legal it’s really immoral, and i suggest you to take it down after you made enough money to start a morally legit business, make sure the video doesn’t go super viral or you’ll be forever known in history as the scammer guy, trust me, you might end on tv sooner than you think, so make sure you take everything down if the views start getting out of hand, and my best advice is to take it down anyway after making 200k out of this, that’s enough money to start an insanely profitable online business very easily, a business that would make you 50k a month too, but morally.
I don’t care about morality, but being tagged as a scammer won’t be good for you, so avoid that at all costs.
Enjoy the money you’ll be making by tricking a casino into thinking you're just an amateur blogger who has fun playing games while in reality you're turning strangers into gambling addicts (even tho most people will quit after wasting a grand or so, sometimes less, a grand could be 3k commissions for you tho) and don’t start gambling yourself, the method doesn’t work, i can guarantee, just looks like it if you’re lucky enough to get it on video. it’s just like the dudeperfect videos or the yeahigotskills guy, those are not 1st try shots, but look like it.
ONE LAST THING: make sure you crop the video so that it doesn’t show the url of the casino so that even the smart guys will have to click on your link, when they get there they will just be too lazy and join through your affiliate link anyway.
submitted by MrRob20 to ImmoralHussler [link] [comments]

Daily Minecraft Highlights: SCAMWIGSHOOK
Clip # Title Author Curator Score Direct Link
#1 [00:00] "bnans wins ludwig's blackjack 4 times in a row" ludwig liquidatedtoast 3.0281 [CLICK]
#2 [00:31] "ScamwigShook" kkatamina kkatamina 2.64305 [CLICK]
#3 [00:56] "Sykkuno impression LUL" karljacobs josh2671 1.2462 [CLICK]
#4 [01:21] "Minecraft Loansharking" ash_on_lol jo_jorgensen 0.6799 [CLICK]
#5 [02:06] "8 tellies 3 block gb and 2 clutch lol" Crinek None 0.5 [CLICK]
#6 [02:20] "Step bro I'm stuck ;)" kkatamina good_or_not 0.27492 [CLICK]
#7 [03:02] "loan sharkunno and lud strikes again" sykkuno xerxes3301 0.2556 [CLICK]
#8 [03:45] "Scamwig loses his own money at his casino" ludwig zecelv 0.1867 [CLICK]
#9 [04:09] "Oh lawd he comi- BEES" FudgeMerchant None 0.164 [CLICK]
#10 [04:45] bnans clipsyncbot 0.1251 [CLICK]
#11 [05:45] "Beezily god" KiwiKing 71219 None 0.119 [CLICK]
#12 [05:54] "he didn't even look at me but i still got hit" zatterz None 0.11 [CLICK]
#13 [06:09] "RIP Horse" ash_on_lol imrawn 0.1095 [CLICK]
#14 [06:34] "abuse?" VinkiDK None 0.104 [CLICK]
#15 [06:49] "ez vv :D eller noget....." KeKFGQD None 0.1 [CLICK]
#16 [07:12] "tfue ends after too many beers" tfue zhem_ 0.0937 [CLICK]
#17 [07:37] "Ludwig Slays Carson" ludwig the_hoser 0.0711 [CLICK]
#18 [07:54] "SAPNAP FARTS IN AUTOTUNE" karljacobs jazz444 0.0668 [CLICK]
#19 [08:14] "scammer gets scammed" sykkuno mikanoke 0.0401 [CLICK]
#20 [08:49] karljacobs kameyn 0.0571 [CLICK]
#21 [09:19] "Hitting on a 20...only at Sykkuno's Casino" fuslie k0r0sh1ya 0.0385 [CLICK]
#22 [09:42] "dream is thicc" quackityhq trashmanwilltakeyourbones 0.0345 [CLICK]
#23 [10:08] "2 Wilburs" karljacobs kierawagler 0.0503 [CLICK]
#24 [10:37] "Manhuntza" philza micsplayer 0.0336 [CLICK]
#25 [11:37] "Ludwig's the Gambling King" sydeon raymiing 0.0333 [CLICK]
submitted by gloomshot_bot to gloomshot [link] [comments]


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submitted by BerniceMcconnell to Discovery [link] [comments]

Interesting WSJ article that many here can relate to...

With Biotech Stocks, Investors Love the Thrill of the ChaseDOW JONES & COMPANY, INC. - 08/05/2020
By Gregory Zuckerman and Michael Wursthorn
Eric Distenfeld is rolling the dice on CytoDyn Inc. (CYDY)
Last month, the real-estate executive bought 1,000 shares of the unheralded biotech company, which hopes to discover a Covid-19 drug.
Now, he spends the day tracking shares, checking news and debating friends whether CytoDyn (CYDY) can overcome the odds. Mr. Distenfeld leaves most of his stocks alone. When it comes to CytoDyn (CYDY), he is obsessive.
"It's like being in Vegas without the hangover," says Mr. Distenfeld, 40 years old, a former portfolio manager who lives in Teaneck, N.J.
Few stocks have captured investors' affections lately like biotech companies chasing coronavirus advances. Stocks such as Moderna Inc. and Novavax Inc. have soared, but so too have tiny ones a long way from an approved U.S. vaccine or treatment, including CytoDyn (CYDY), Equillium Inc. and Humanigen Inc., all of which are up between 207% and 944% this year, thanks in large part to the fervor of individual investors.
Their passion stems from the promise of medical advances that can send shares surging. Small biotechs constantly need financing, so executives tend to be more comfortable promoting themselves, efforts that also can hook investors.
"People tend to fall in love with biotech companies," says health-care investor Brad Loncar at Loncar Investments. "There's an emotional aspect given that it is medical-related and then, because the stocks are so volatile, like a casino, it adds fuel to the fire on both sides."
For every investor playing biotech stocks for fun and profit, another, like Tom Yarborough, has an unshakable conviction these companies are nearing historic breakthroughs.
"They have so many potential cures," says Mr. Yarborough, a 74-year-old retired stockbroker in Cape Canaveral, Fla., referring to the range of diseases CytoDyn's (CYDY) key drug, leronlimab, might address. "There are 59 different possibilities that it could cure, including Covid."
The love for risky biotech shares isn't unrequited. Mr. Yarborough has made over $100,000 from his CytoDyn (CYDY) shares. He had 110,000 shares at one point, but sold some over the years. He still holds 27,000 -- worth about $136,890 -- spread across investment accounts held by him and his family. The Vancouver, Wash.-based company, which closed at $5.07 on Tuesday, has climbed more than 1,000% since Mr. Yarborough bought shares four years ago.
"It's my only position," says Mr. Yarborough. "I'll always own shares; my commitment, my loyalty is there."
CytoDyn's (CYDY) valuation ballooned to more than $4.5 billion in May from just over $100 million last year, after the Food and Drug Administration greenlighted the use of leronlimab for Covid-19 patients in emergency situations and clinical trials.
Montefiore Health System in the Bronx, N.Y., is evaluating the drug for Covid-19 in two separate trials; results are expected soon, says Dr. Harish Seethamraju, Montefiore's medical director of lung transplantation.
Leronlimab's mechanism of action, or how it is supposed to work, makes sense to CytoDyn (CYDY) fans. Leronlimab aims to block a receptor that causes cytokine storms, severe immune-system reactions that inflame and fatally damage lungs and other organs of some Covid-19 patients.
Some investors, like Judah Kraut, 41, are doing more than rooting for CytoDyn (CYDY). He is searching out doctors with experience with leronlimab and sharing the results with friends, though he recognizes what he is finding are just anecdotal reactions.
"I know of 19 people who have invested because of me, so I'm a little nervous about that," says Mr. Kraut, who lives in New York City and is finishing a Ph.D. in ancient Near Eastern literature at the University of Pennsylvania. " But the theory it's a scam would require doctors with impeccable credentials to be in on it; that would be mind- boggling."
There are warning signs, though. Most experts don't give CytoDyn (CYDY) much chance of success. The company hasn't made any money other than what it pulls in from stock sales. It has been seeking FDA approval for leronlimab to combat HIV and about two dozen types of cancers over the better half of a decade.
Its chief executive, Nader Pourhassan, promotes his company in news releases, articles and videos paid for by the company. In late April, he appeared in a sponsored video claiming that almost 95% or 100% of patients who had Covid-19 and were treated with leronlimab survived testing. Within the same video, he clarified that his figures included 28 patients across the country -- not the 11 others who also received the drug in New York, some of whom died.
"That's a spectacular result, and we wanted to make sure everybody knows that," Mr. Pourhassan said in the YouTube video posted by, a platform that charges companies $25,000 a year to run promotional content. CytoDyn's (CYDY) shares rose nearly 8% that day.
A CytoDyn (CYDY) presentation shared with The Wall Street Journal showed seven of the patients in New York had died as of mid-May. In a broader study across the country of 34 patients, five patients had died and 15 were said to have improved.
"I'm giving information as honestly as possible. When it changes, I give that," Mr. Pourhassan said of his interactions with investors.
On April 27, CytoDyn (CYDY) said it had submitted a drug marketing application to the FDA, sending shares up another 17%. But the company said in subsequent news releases that the submission included mock data sets and wouldn't be considered complete until it provided clinical data on May 11. The FDA ultimately refused to grant the license in July, sparking criticism from some investors toward the company during a conference call several days later.
Mr. Pourhassan said the FDA requested CytoDyn (CYDY) make those additional statements after determining the application was incomplete.
Last week, a YouTube video titled "A Drug You Can Invest In and Simultaneously Save the World" featured testimonials, including one by actor Charlie Sheen, who said that he has enrolled in a trial for leronlimab, which also is being studied to treat HIV infection, and that he "felt great."
A representative for Mr. Sheen said he wasn't compensated for his appearance.
In April, Mr. Pourhassan sold 4.8 million shares of his company for $15.7 million, according to securities filings. Mr. Pourhassan, who has a doctorate in mechanical engineering, once faced federal charges over allegedly selling fake Native American goods. The charges were dropped. He said the charges had no merit.
As for the stock sale, he said, "I've been waiting all these years, I might as well have some security for myself."
Richard Trauger, who worked at CytoDyn (CYDY) between 2011 and mid-2013 and served as its chief science officer, says he witnessed Mr. Pourhassan exaggerate claims during interactions with investors.
Once, when Mr. Pourhassan was chief operating officer, he told an investor group CytoDyn (CYDY) would have a license from the FDA in two years. Mr. Trauger said he objected to the timeline, drawing the ire of Mr. Pourhassen.
"He went off on me," Mr. Trauger said, adding that Mr. Pourhassan had asked him "if it's possible. 'Of course, anything is possible,' I'd say, but it's not likely. That's all he needed to hear."
"I hope it works," said Mr. Trauger of CytodDyn's drug. "But I haven't seen any data, and that's the problem."
New Jersey investor Mr. Distenfeld is uncomfortable with Mr. Pourhassan's sale of personal stock and his relentless promotion.
But the possibility that CytoDyn (CYDY) might achieve a breakthrough is worth the risk, he says.
"I can make five times my investment and my downside is 80%," Mr. Distenfeld says. "I go to Vegas and play poker against pros which is a losing proposition -- this is more fun and has better odds."
Write to Gregory Zuckerman at [email protected] and Michael Wursthorn at [email protected]
(END) Dow Jones Newswires 08-05-20 0530ET Copyright (c) 2020 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
submitted by Wall_Street_Titan to ATHX [link] [comments]

Trump has attempted to get the presidency many times in the past

The beginning
When Q is saying “Was Trump asked to run for President w/ assurances made to prevent tampering?” my initial thought was that the alliance asked him to run some time before the 2016 election but with a little bit of research it becomes obvious that this is not the case. So, let’s go back in time.
The year is 2011, Trump is giving interviews as a potential candidate for the Presidency. While he is not sure if he will end up running or not that doesn’t stop him from going full attack on Obama. In one interview (1) he says about Obama’s background “I have people that actually have being studying it and they cannot believe what they are finding”. In another (2) with Sean Hannity he seems to know every detail when it comes to Obama’s connections with extremists such as Bill Ayers, Reverend Wright and a mobster named Tony Rezko. What is interesting about the events that transpire then is something that Trump said about Obama in his 2015 (3) speech at CPAC “Hillary Clinton wanted his birth certificate … John McCain fought really hard and really viciously to get his birth certificate … Trump comes along and I am not a sitting senator I am not a sitting anything else … he gave a birth certificate … Hillary Clinton wanted it, McCain wanted it and I wanted it. He didn’t do it for them, he did it for me (!) …”
This wasn’t the first time Trump attempted to get the Presidency. According to some articles (4) he was mulling with a presidential run for 2004 and 2008 but both times decided against running. He did however came much closer to a presidential run in 2000 when he campaigned for the nomination of the Reform Party. It is important to note who is backing Trump this time. First, it’s his long time pen pal and star of the Reform Party, Jesse Ventura. To be exact, Ventura privately encouraged Trump to run but official told reporters that “… If he announces that he will be a candidate he will absolutely get my full consideration” as he put it. Second it’s his longtime aide Roger Stone who was hired as director of the exploratory committee. Again this wasn’t the first time Trump came close to running for President. For that we have to go back in 1987, where there are reports stating that Sumner Baye and Abe Hirschfeld launched a campaign to make Donald Trump the first multi-billionaire president of the United States. Also there is a political activist named Mike Dunbar who launched a “Draft Trump” campaign hoping that he will convince the billionaire to run.
So, what year was he asked to run for President? If you look at the above timeline and consider the effort put to make Trump President it appears that this effort intensifies as we come close to 2016. The first attempt in 1987 appears uncoordinated by some secret benevolent force. It is just some guys who thought Trump had what it needed in order to become great President. Plus back then Trump completely backed George Bush for the Presidency (5) so he didn’t seem to have good info or inside knowledge. If you think maybe Bush wasn’t at the time the scam he turned out to be you will probably be wrong. Between 1977 and 1979, he was director of the Council on Foreign Relations, prior to that he was Director of the Central Intelligence (CIA) for about a year. The second attempt (2000) however is a whole different case. This time he does a lot more than attend a couple of rallies as he did in 1987. He forms a presidential exploratory committee, makes numerous media appearances as a candidate, travels to campaign events in Florida, California, Minnesota and even qualifies for two presidential primaries. What is really interesting about this potential presidential run is the timing. Donald Trump announced the creation of a presidential exploratory committee on October 7 1999 on Larry King’s show. JFK Jr. died July 16, 1999. Not even three full months after his death Trump is considering a presidential run. But how is this related to Trump’s decision? Trump and JFK Jr were friends (Trump said it in his interview with Larry King) (6). JFK Jr was considering a run for the New York Senate. Hillary Clinton was targeting the same seat. JFK Jr was the favorite to win the seat. The Clintons murdered JFK Jr (or so they thought) in order to massively increase Hillary’s chances of winning. My theory is that this is the event that convinced Trump to join the alliance and run for President. I am assuming that there is already an effort to get rid of the cabal since 1963. As Q put it “Rest in peace Mr. President (JFK), through your wisdom and strength, since your tragic death, Patriots have planned, installed, and by the grace of God, activated, the beam of LIGHT." Maybe that was The “Start” Q mentioned in post 1082.
Important to note that even back then you can clearly see the MSM are doing their best to paint a negative picture of “The Donald” (7) as they called him. But remember who controls the media, it’s the CIA. Operation Mockingbird started in the early 1950s so by the 1999 they must have had complete control of the media. So when MSNBC is bitching about Trump back in 2000 who is really bitching about Trump. Yep, you guessed it, it’s the CIA. So either they knew there was an organized effort to take the Presidency or simply that Trump wasn’t one of them.
Unfortunately at this point and time the alliance’s attempt to win the Presidency seems rushed and not well prepared. Take for example Trump’s picks/considerations for his cabinet. Oprah Winfrey for Vice President and Colin Powell for Secretary of State. I left the “best” for last. John McCain for Secretary of Defense. Wait what, no name for DOD?? (۝ṌṌꙬ@).
Years pass by, Trump continues to run his empire and joins The Apprentice in an attempt to build his reputation (?). He mentions in a couple articles about a potential Presidential run for the 2004 and 2008 years but nothing happens. Until 2011. Then, he is literally everywhere, giving interview after interview, attacking Obama with very well research points, being more serious than ever to run. Everything looks ideal for them, he even leads some polls (according to him) but in the end decides not to run. What happened? Why didn’t he run for the 2012 election? Maybe the alliance wasn’t ready?
To get a better picture you should also consider this. Members of the alliance are using the US military for their counter coup but remember the military is equipped to fight tanks, fighter jets and other armored vehicles, it is not equipped to fight the mainstream media and all other corrupt officials. It must have taken the white hats years in order to transform the military with new abilities (plus they would have needed to be extra careful in the beginning).
So ask yourself these questions. Trump joined the apprentice in 2003, what if he didn’t join to make his name a bigger brand? What if this move was part of the plan? The show made him look powerful, in control and friendly to millions of Americans. Just listen to what Roger Stone said in an interview (8) “He is perfectly made up. He is perfectly coiffed. He is perfectly lit. He is in a high back chair making tough decisions. What is he look like? He looks like a President! …I understand the elite say that’s reality TV. Voters don’t see it that way”.
Yet, there are evidence suggesting that the organized plan to make Trump President goes way before 1999 (which was my initial guess) with unknown forces supporting it and others opposing it. These evidence are not direct but suggest foreknowledge and negative preconditioning for the public.
First, it’s the famous Illuminati card game published in 1982. In one of the later versions of the game, Illuminati New World Order Assassins (1995), a card was published with a potential great significance to our research. The card is titled “Enough is Enough”, is depicting a guy yelling and it writes “At any time, at any place, our snipers can drop you. Have a nice day.” What is particularly interesting about this card is the similarities with real life and the timeline that led to where we are now. To begin with the analysis the guy depicted in the card bears a strong resemblance to the 1995 Donald, furthermore the picture cleverly conceals the guy’s hair. All these years people though that this card predicted Trump’s Presidency but I don’t think it did. I have an alternative explanation, probably better. What if Trump is the one saying “Enough is Enough” (He has said it many times in his rallies (9), I even found it on his twitter 3 times one of which was on 9/11/2014! Even Q wrote the exact same phrase 3 times in posts 930, 1010 and 1494) and the bad guys are the ones saying the other part “At any time, at any place, our snipers can drop you. Have a nice day.” Maybe the card was published as warning for the good guys not to try anything. Maybe that was the reason the guys’ hair was concealed. Donald’s hair is unique, if it wasn’t concealed it would have been obvious to whom this card was addressed but that wasn’t necessary. The message could be sent and received without unrelated people finding out what is all about. It is worth mentioning that the game was published by a gaming company (Steve Jackson Games) who has a pyramid with an eye as its logo and had its offices raided by the Secret Service in 1990 for supposedly making a 'Hacking Guide'.
Second, “Back to the Future Part II” screenwriter Bob Gale recently confirmed in an interview that Donald Trump was the inspiration for the character (Biff Tannen) he and director Robert Zemeckis created back in 1989. Long story short, future Biff steals time travel machine, goes back in time and gives his younger shelf a sports almanac with the outcomes of the games for the next 50 years. Biff uses this info, becomes a billionaire and a playboy, buys a casino and gets involved in many shady businesses. His ascent to power is accompanied with the burning of the local school, the rise of the police state, increase in poverty, prostitution and gang related crimes. Overall, the beautiful town of Hill Valley descends into anarchy. In the same movie that predicted the attacks on 9/11 Trump’s character is portrayed as someone that will endanger society’s future. In case you don’t know in Back to the future 1 Libyan nationalists attack Doctor Emmett Brown (Christopher Lloyd) in the Twin Pines Mall at 1:16 Α.Μ. (which is 9:11 if you turn it upside down), in Back to the Future 2 you can see two pines appearing in Marty McFly's (Michael Fox) tv which later turn into the twin towers as his mother keeps changing the channels. If you observe the whole scene from grandpa McFly’s point of view (he is hovering upside down from some medical device) you can clearly see that the towers appear to be falling. The same people that feel the need to reveal their plans before they end your life they are also “telling” you that Trump’s ascent to power can have severe consequences. Again, consider the timeline. The second movie is published in 1989. It would have been in production for at least one or two years. What year Trump attempted a run for the Presidency for the first time? 1987!
I know I didn’t prove exactly when he was asked to run but I think I made it obvious that this underground war has been going on long before any of us knew anything about it. I am also wondering if bad actors were aware of an attempt to end their empire with Donald Trump destined to lead this effort then how did he manage to avoid assassination all these years? I will leave you with this, one of Trump’s tweets “…I went from VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. President of the United States (on my first try). I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius....and a very stable genius at that!” Is he taunting anyone?

“I knew this day would arrive, it is only a question of when…” Donald J Trump

  5. (@6:20)
  6. (@37:10)
  8. (@1:00, 4:25)
  9. (@2:45, 2:57)
submitted by Aderwogll to conspiracy [link] [comments]

The Truth about Bitcoin?

Part 1/4 - NSA Connection:
First off, the SHA-256 algorithm, which stands for Secure Hash Algorithm 256, is a member of the SHA-2 cryptographic hash functions designed by the NSA and first published in 2001.
SHA-256, like other hash functions, takes any input and produces an output (often called a hash) of fixed length. The output of a hashing algorithm such as SHA-256 will always be the same length - regardless of the input size. Specifically, the output is, as the name suggests, 256 bits.
Moreover, all outputs appear completely random and offer no information about the input that created it.
The Bitcoin Network utilises the SHA-256 algorithm for mining and the creation of new addresses.
Who is Satoshi Nakamoto? What does Satoshi Nakamoto mean?
Out of respect for their anonymity, it would be rude to speculate in a video about who Satoshi Nakamoto is likely to be. The reality is, it's not important. Let me explain: Any human being can be attacked. Jesus could come back from the dead, and there would be haters. Therefore, the Satoshi Nakamoto approach neutralises the natural human herd behaviour, exacerbated by the media, to attack and discredit. This is a very important part of Bitcoin's success thus far. Also, from a security perspective, those who wish to dox Satoshi Nakamoto in a video are essentially putting his, or her, or their, life at risk...for the sake of views.
As a genius who has produced an innovation not just from a technical perspective but also a monetary perspective, they should be treated with more respect than that.
As for the name Satoshi Nakamoto, I would speculate that it is a homage to Tatsuaki Okamoto and Satoshi Obana - two cryptographers from Japan. There is another reason for the name, but confidential.
In 1996, the NSA's Cryptology Division of their Office of Information Security Research and Technology published a paper titled: "How to make a mint: The cryptography of anonymous electronic cash", first publishing it in an MIT mailing list and later, in 1997, in the American University Law Review. One of the researchers they referenced was Tatsuaki Okamoto.

Part 2/4 - 'Crypto Market':
Most of the crypto market is a scam.
By the way, this was predicted very early on in the Bitcoin Talk forums - check out this interaction from November 8th, 2010:
"if bitcoin really takes off I can see lots of get-rich-quick imitators coming on the scene: gitcoin, nitcoin, witcoin, titcoin, shitcoin...
Of course the cheap imitators will disappear as quickly as those 1990s "internet currencies", but lots of people will get burned along the way."
To which Bitcoin OG Gavin Andresen replies:
"I agree - we're in the Wild West days of open-source currency. I expect people will get burned by scams, imitators, ponzi schemes and price bubbles."
"I don't think there's a whole lot that can be done about scammers, imitators and ponzi schemes besides warning people to be careful with their money (whether dollars, euros or bitcoins)."
Now, on the one hand, lack of regulation is more meritocratic (as you don't have to be an accredited investor just to get access).
On the other hand, it means that crypto is, as Gavin said, a Wild West environment, with many cowboys in the Desert. Be careful.
This is the same with most online courses - particularly 'How to get rich quick' courses - however with crypto you have an exponential increase in the supply of victims during the bull cycles so it is particularly prevalent during those times.
In addition to this, leverage trading exchanges, which are no different to casinos, prey on naive retail traders who:
A) Think they can outsmart professional traders with actual risk management skills; and
B) Think they can outsmart the exchanges themselves who have an informational advantage as well as an incentive to chase stop losses and liquidate positions.

Part 3/4 - CBDCs:
The Fed and Central Banks around the world have printed themselves into a corner.
Quantitative easing was the band-aid for the Great Financial Crisis in 2008, and more recent events have propelled the rate of money printing to absurd levels.
This means that all currencies are in a race to zero - and it becomes a game of who can print more fiat faster.
The powers that be know that this fiat frenzy is unsustainable, and that more and more people are becoming aware that it is a debt based system, based on nothing.
The monetary system devised by bankers, for bankers, in 1913 on Jekyll Island and supercharged in 1971 is fairly archaic and also does not allow for meritocratic value transfer - fiat printing itself increases inequality.
They, obviously, know this (as it is by design).
The issue (for them) is that more and more people are starting to become aware of this.
Moving to a modernised monetary system will allow those who have rigged the rules of the game for the last Century to get away scot-free.
It will also pave the way for a new wealthy, and more tech literate, elite to emerge - again predicted in the Bitcoin Talk forums.
Now...back to the powers that be.
Bitcoin provides a natural transition to Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and what I would describe as Finance 2.0, but what are the benefits of CBDCs for the state?
More control, easier tax collection, more flexibility in monetary policy (i.e. negative interest rates) and generally a more efficient monetary system.
This leads us to the kicker: which is the war on cash. The cashless society was a fantasy just a few years ago, however now it doesn't seem so far fetched. No comment.

Part 4/4 - Bitcoin:
What about Bitcoin?
Well, Bitcoin has incredibly strong network effects; it is the most powerful computer network in the World.
But what about Bitcoin's reputation?
Bankers hate it.
Warren Buffett hates it.
Precisely, and the public hates bankers.
Sure, the investing public respects Buffett, but the general public perception of anyone worth $73 billion is not exactly at all time highs right now amid record wealth inequality.
In the grand scheme of things, the market cap of Bitcoin is currently around $179 billion.
For example, the market cap of Gold is around $9 trillion, which is 50x the Market Cap of Bitcoin.
Money has certain characteristics.
In my opinion, what makes Bitcoin unique is the fact that it has a finite total supply (21 million) and a predictable supply schedule via the halving events every 4 years, which cut in half the rate at which new Bitcoin is released into circulation.
Clearly, with these properties, it seems likely that Bitcoin could act as a meaningful hedge against inflation.
One of the key strengths of Bitcoin is the fact that the Network is decentralised...
Many people don't know that PayPal originally wanted to create a global currency similar to crypto.
Overall, a speculative thesis would be the following:
Satoshi Nakamoto is one of the most important entities of the 21st Century, and will accelerate the next transition of the human race.
Trusted third parties are security holes.
Bitcoin is the catalyst for Finance 2.0, whereby value transfer is conducted in a more meritocratic and decentralised fashion.
In 1964, Russian astrophysicist Nikolai Kardashev designed the Kardashev Scale.
At the time, he was looking for signs of extraterrestrial life within cosmic signals.
The Scale has three categories, which are based on the amount of usable energy a civilisation has at its disposal, and the degree of space colonisation.
Generally, a Type 1 Civilisation has achieved mastery of its home planet (10^16W);
A Type 2 Civilisation has mastery over its solar system (10^26W);
and a Type 3 Civilisation has mastery over its Galaxy (10^36W).
We humans are a Type 0 Civilisation on this Scale.
Nonetheless, our exponential technological growth in the few decades indicates that we are somewhere between Type 0 and Type 1.
In fact, according to Carl Sagan's interpolated Kardashev Scale and recent global energy consumption, we are about 0.73.
Physicist Freeman Dyson estimated that within 200 years or so, we should attain Type 1 status.
As a technology that, through its decentralisation, links entities globally and makes value transfer between humans more efficient, Bitcoin could prove a key piece of our progression as a civilisation.
What are your thoughts?
Is it true...or false?
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